This recipe was uploaded as an Internal leak of SB some days ago and was quickly taken down (suspicious :p). Luckily I managed to take a screen shot of it. It also mentioned that the percentages are not a part of the leak but only the ingredients. SO THE PERCENTAGES SHOWN HERE ARE NOT PROVEN. I don't have the means or resources to play around with it so I leave it up to you guys to comment with your attempts and how close it is to the original one.
Hope this is real so we can put this baby to rest.
Time will tell. We all know the ball park pc so shouldn't take a huge amount of variants. Yeah and absolutely no need to nail Dom on this he's not talking shit like cutwood leak twat! The flavours look right and if anyone hits this you'll be a fucking idol 🤓
I am glad to see the acceptance of this new recipe here. Thank you all for your support.
FPSpy I have added your nickname to the description. Thank you for your input in correcting the recipe. I will wait for some more feedback from others who try this and then remove the background story from the notes section once the recipe is generally accepted as the "real deal" or at least an awesome clone.
@FPSpy, ah ok thanks. I have Marshamallow CAP only but have never used it, its hard finding TPA Marshmallow at a reasonable cost and TPA Toasted Marshmallow is usually oos.
Is there anything I can use to replace the Vanillin 10%? I have many vanillas but not that... just made a trip to the DIY B&M a few cities over and they had it in stock but hadn't seen this recipe and didn't think of getting it; and I don't plan on going back for a while as it's quite the drive lol. Would any of these do? FA Vanilla Bourbon or Vanilla Tahiti, CAP French Vanilla, Vanilla Bean Ice Cream or Vanilla Custard v2, TFA Vanilla Swirl or Vanilla Custard?
Man ! This is so close to the real deal, Best version out there thus far.
Due to this recipe I am very happy cause I have discovered Cinnamon Spice and Cinnamon Red Hots as a flavour, Just like Big Red Chewing Gum, Love it
Thanks man
@FPSpy Thanks for the reply, and thank you for the breakdown. Most definitely going to be hitting up the shop again soon to grab some Vanillin because that sounds very intriguing - seems like it'd be fun to play around with in custards in general as well :)
@Ferral I have but it just isn't the same... it's as close to Cap VC v2 after a steep (they both require a pretty long steep - Caps v2 needs a month and TFAs needs around 3-4 weeks so about the same amount of time IME) as you'll probably be able to find, although I haven't tried every VC flavouring... FW has a very off-putting smell so I haven't tried it yet. Both the TFA and Cap custards have a weird, yet different, smell out of the bottle. But yeah as I said, at least IME TFA Vanilla Custard is the closest (but still pretty far off compared) to Cap Vanilla Custard v2, and I haven't tried the v1 yet. You may get desirable results using it instead but it's about a 50% chance. I'd say give 'er a mix at the same percentage, let it steep for a month, and report back as I'd be interested in the outcome if you do!
I believe the recipe is real. I have recently ordered all the flavors needed from the internet, followed the recipe to the letter and tested it side by side with the original. My taste buds couldn't detect any difference. I also agree on the 10 days steeping.
For my second batch I reduced the custard to 5.5% and it still came out great.
And it's true.. more than 3 drops of cinnamon spice per 100ml will ruin your batch. I know because I tried it :p. I also didn't use a pipette like suggested but left the drops drop right from the 10ml flavor bottle with a very light squeeze and that worked for me.
Waiting for more feedback from you vapers who tried this. ;)
@Billy Jean To add to the above comment, I'd give Caps Sweet Cream a shot as a FA Cream Fresh sub over TFAs first, or possibly even TFA Malted Milk if you can't find TFA Dairy Milk... but maybe someone else can chime in on the subbing FA Cream Fresh with TFA Malted Milk and the similarities/differences in using them as I haven't got around to writing flavour notes on them yet... didn't start doing it when I starting mixing and I regret it, so in the process of that atm.
I have one more question about a sub for an ingredient in this... is TFA Cinnamon Spice like... just simply straight-up cinnamon flavour? If so, I may be able to sub FW Cinnamon for it, as it smells literally like liquid cinnamon powder/sticks without adding really any body, unlike FW Cinnamon Roll apparently (which I haven't tried but heard good things about)
This recipe is so fucking good. This is the only 'clone' recipe I've tried off this site so far that I honestly believe is premium vendor quality tasting juice. The mouth feel that FPspy talkes briefly about in the comments, I've yet to try in any other juice. It literally feels like I just drank a glass of milk, but in a good way :p the flavor is so perfectly subtle too, it's lighter than other recipes, and at first you don't even really notice the flavors all that much, but then a few seconds after you vape it you blink a few times and think "whoah... This shits so good!". At least that's what I did :p
5-stars. This right here just made the switch to DIY truly worth it, thank you guys so much for sharing, even though you didn't have to :)
PS. The only flavor I couldn't find was FA Cream Fresh, but I took Volrath's advice and used CAP Sweet Cream, and am more than happy with the results, but my next order will contain Cream Fresh. All the other flavors, however were exactly as shown in the recipe.
For those who are looking my other recipes as well as GrandMaster clone. I share on ECF. Here is the link:
Is TFA Cinnamon Spice like... just simply straight-up cinnamon flavour? If so, I may be able to sub FW Cinnamon for it, as it smells literally like liquid cinnamon powder/sticks, I think without adding really any body, unlike FW Cinnamon Roll which has those pastry notes.
so no one making this recipe anymore? no updates? i made a batch, i love the taste, but its not 100% MM. i followed the exact amounts with the same vendor aromas.
This recipe is not bad but there is a but. It's been a long while since I had mothers milk. I mixed this recipe. I am a huge fan of creams custards and so on. I used all exact ingredients/vendors except I used the Dx graham and v2 custard so it may taste a little different from original. Now imo to me it taste like ohw milk man all day that has been steeped for awhile not mm. The cinnamon to me is present and overwhelming to my taste buds or should I say nose taste and cuts to much of the cap sweet strawberry sweetness at 3 drops per 100mls. If I was to mix again, Instead of 3 drops per 100 I would probably do 2 drops and up the strawberry .5 to 1ml maybe or get creative and add some ripe strawberry like maybe 70sweet/30ripe combination. But try the original first this my opinion. Now the cake batter aspect I think also to much. It really hammers through which gives it more of the owh taste where as mm is not as harsh on the cake and more fruity and crisp if you ever vaped mm fresh which I prefer. Now if you steep mm for a month I would say maybe. If you have ever had mm fresh while its still clear and not yellow you'll know what mean if that makes sense. I didn't try those other combinations so idk. But everyones tastes things differently. All in all good recipe and would recommend if you are cream custard fan. I'm not a big fan of caps cake batter!! gives that feeling after a vape I have a coating of chemical film in my mouth. I can always tell when a commercial juice company uses that flavor. Happy vaping dudes.
Vape dude again! forgot to mention. Always read the reviews and not to mamy people say what devices they use. It would probably help out on nailing profiles down. I know for me creams really shine at low watts/volts. I very seldom change my builds but some people do. For this I used my go to alliance first gen rda with 2nd airflow ring. Plain Jane .3 ohm 24guage kanthal 6 wrap 3mm build and the basic wicking with cotton bacon fired at 60w/4.2v on a DNA200. what can I say I'm lazy. I devote more time to making juice than building coils and exotic wicking techniques. 😛
Not had the original for over a year now since I started diy'ing so I cant compare , I had to use cinnamon roll instead of cinnamon spice and up the amount, it tastes great. Thanks.
can I remove the cinnamon from the recipe? i dont have it and its 10 usd for the 30ml here in Sweden, would it make a huge difference? should i replace it with something else? thank you
Does anybody know what that dominate flavor in the mothers milk and cookies is. I taste it in a few eliquid out there but have no idea what it is. I've tried so many things and I'm out of ideas. I was thinking next I'll try an oreo type flavor as maybe that's what they are trying to do for the cookie part. Any ideas, there are no good clones of this out there .