Oops All Berries 2.0!!!! 

Gravatar - by Rugly , May 25. 2021, 20:02


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Suggested steep time: 7 days

Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:


If this is the first time you’re looking at one of my recipes thank you so much for checking me out. These recipes are geared towards mixers who are just starting out making their own eliquid. All of the flavors in this recipe are from a limited list of 26 ingredients. Check out my YouTube channel for lots more recipes!

Oops! All Berries 2.0 is an adaptation from a recipe I created some time ago. It’s a delicious bowl of berry cereal with milk.

For the cereal note I used a combination of the sweet corny crunch of Capella Cereal 27 and CAP Blue Raspberry Cotton Candy. The cotton candy has a really good kind of non descript berry note but the reason it works here is because its dry, not sour or juicy, none of that. It's just a blue/red flavor. The cereal really starts to come through after the 4th day of steeping. That berry note is really good but I needs just a little something to give it more dimension. I settled on WF Strawberry Cheesecake, just using it at 0.5% for little more berry and some cheesy dairy to boot.

I like to have milk with my cereal recipes and I've found that the combination of FA Fresh Cream and FW Yogurt work really well here to get a nice light dairy note while adding just the right amount of texture.

There are two more ingredients in here that make cereal recipes xtra special. FA Meringue to make that milk more than sweet and grainy and FW cake batter dip to saturate the cereal in the milk.

Sweeten to Taste

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