The Rumble Crumble 

Gravatar - by SessionDrummer, Jul 25. 2021, 23:51


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:


**** UPDATE 6-7-24 *****

Be advised, I mixed (and still do) this using the OG MF Lemon. That has been discontinued and replaced by MF Lemon Silver. I have heard it may even be STRONGER than the OG Lemon (as if that was even possible). So for all of you new, new, newer mixers, you may want to cut your MF Lemon Silver in half from my OG percentages, and work up from there.


Yet another client request. Having fallen in love with both WF's Crumble Topping, and SSA's Shortbread Cookie, it seemed about time to start using them more. Both paired with each other and reinforced the crumble and base aspects along with two MORE of my favorites, MF Wild Raspberry, and SSA's Raspberry Syrup. The two work in concert to pull off one HELL of a Raspberry experience. Almost ALL fruits can benefit from a little PUNCH from Medicine Flower's Lemon, and FLV's Frosting just added a sweet kiss to the end.

#1 by CamV6, Dec 6. 2021, 10:55
You know what this looks right up my street so will make some up BUT like most uk mortals I don’t have the MF concentrates. Now I figure I’ll use FE Lemon instead but can you suggest a sub for the Raspberry. My first thought was maybe FLV Red Raspberry?
#2 by Schnappi, Dec 6. 2021, 19:10
Damn! Missing the MF concentrates also but it looks really good
#3 by SessionDrummer, Dec 7. 2021, 10:47
Thanks @CamV6, and @Schnappi. As far as subbing the MF, I'm not sure as the Lemon possibly, but the Wild Raspberry is too unique, even for INW Malina to work
#4 by Schnappi, Dec 7. 2021, 18:36
Wish I could order a few MF concentrates, but I guess US shipping to EU is very expensive
#6 by Captain Grey , Dec 12. 2021, 12:06
Hi @SessionDrummer, love your work and still rocking your Golden Grahams and Strawberry Custard on a daily basis. I have the same problem as the guys above re: no MF concentates. However, I do have SA's Natural Raspberry - might this be a reasonable substitute for WR, and if so, what kinda strength ?
Captain Grey
#7 by SessionDrummer, Dec 13. 2021, 02:48
Thank you very much for your support @Captain Grey. As far as subbing the MF Wild Raspberry for Sobucky's Natural Raspberry, I'm not sure. Although I loved many of the SSA flavors, the Nat. Ras. never took off for me ..


Natural Raspberry (SSA) 0.75% (11-7-21) – OK, right out of the gate, this doesn’t taste like a Natural Raspberry. Full Stop. Now that THAT is out of the way, it’s actually an INTERESTING flavor, none the less. It never really screamed Raspberry, and if you want that, you need to go to
Medicine Flower

Now, what WAS this one ?? More of a mid bright, non-descript berry (now wait for it), that had a particularly odd finish. Light graham ? Caramel ? Brown Sugar ? It’s hard to tell, but it’s there all day long. THAT is what kept this interesting, “What the hell IS that note” ?? I reduced this to 0.75% and it felt ok here, with below mid level sweet, and an overall smooth feel. Raspberries should have some tart, maybe a smidge of sour to authenticate them, but this one was actually smooth, so I think that hurt it overall. Not a terrible flavor, and probably NOT one you should buy if you were in need of a natural raspberry, BUT, if you’re a curiosity seeker, pick it up, and see if YOU can figure out that finish note. As named, can’t go too high on this one, so leaving it at a 5.5/10.

#8 by SessionDrummer, Dec 13. 2021, 02:49
Are you in the UK ?
#9 by SessionDrummer, Dec 13. 2021, 13:16
Super thanks out to Lucas. Get your mix on UK'ers !!!!
#10 by Schnappi, Dec 13. 2021, 17:34
Thanks SD and Lucas!
#11 by SessionDrummer, Dec 13. 2021, 23:05
@Schnappi, and @Capt Grey, I hope these additional MF supplier choices, opens this and other recipes up for you guys.

Thanks again out to Lucas_James_Holden, and Bad_Influence. (Currently OOS).
#12 by Schnappi, Dec 14. 2021, 09:23
I’ll definitely buy some of the good MF concentrates, thank you guys!

#13 by Captain Grey , Dec 14. 2021, 23:30
Yeah, thanks @SessionDrummer, that's a huge help ! I never like subbing any ingredients in your recipes because I know how much effort and time you put into them. And to answer your earlier question, yep, UK based. Not-so-bonny, dark and dreich Scotland, this time of the year.
#14 by SessionDrummer, Dec 15. 2021, 03:10
Well I hope we can get some MF shipped out to you in the no so bonny, dark Scotland !!!!
#15 by Rocky Toony, Dec 18. 2021, 00:29
LETS GET READY TO CRUMBLE !.. Oh yeah Dman, when I first saw this one I mixed up a 60 straight away. Shortbread Cookie is my favorite and paired with the Crumble is damn tasty. Haven’t played with raspberries in quite awhile but this pairing is delicious, and the MF Lemon really makes it POP ! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
#16 by Captain Grey , Dec 18. 2021, 02:12
Hey Rocky, how'ya doing ? I've been laying low for a while. Thought that a @SessionDrummer crumble recipe would whet your appetite. Kinda goes with your tag. Been mining to try a few of yours but, man, there's so many ! One point I'd like to raise with fellow mixers is the cost of super concentrates...I've diluted both FH Alpine Strawberry and VPA Arabica Coffee to 30ml 10% solutions, and am still left with considerable stock of base concentrates that I am unlikely to utilise. Is there a forum/site/page where mixers can trade ? Only looking to recoup costs, and don't mind despatching overseas ?
#17 by SessionDrummer, Dec 18. 2021, 02:16
Very glad you got to checking it out @Rocky Toony. I can't stop vaping this stuff, and every tester I've given out, has returned multiple orders FOR it. I was actually a little surprised.
#18 by SessionDrummer, Dec 18. 2021, 02:19
@Captain Grey, were you able to secure any Medicine Flower in your area ? As far as trading, I think you should be able to do that easily...

#19 by Captain Grey , Dec 18. 2021, 11:48
@SessionDrummer, as a Yorkshireman residing in Scotland I baulked at the price. Wondering if I can replace the raspberry flavours in the crumble recipe with the strawberry flavours from your custard recipe ? 🤔
#20 by NeonKoala, Dec 19. 2021, 11:48
So…I just headed over to the Medicine Flower website to place an order, they have two versions of Wild Raspberry….Silver and Premium, which one did you use in this recipe?
#21 by Rocky Toony, Dec 25. 2021, 02:14
@NeonKoala, most likely neither but probably the OG Wild Raspberry which has been replaced with the Premium line. Which is what I used to mix this and would recommend. The Premium line is PG based and most matches the OG line, the Silver line is Alcohol based 👌

Hey Capt’ Grey long time no see, fancy meeting here on a great SessionDrummer mix 🤙 don’t be such a stranger, your missed 🤗
#22 by SessionDrummer, Dec 27. 2021, 11:50
@NeonKoala, @Rocky Toony's right, the Premium should be your choice most times. I see the Lemon however is only available in the Silver I think, and in that case, that's fine as well.
#23 by Captain Grey , Dec 28. 2021, 16:08
@Rocky Toony, Thanks, appreciate that. Happy New Year !
#24 by CamV6, Jan 9. 2022, 23:38
Ok this is good. I had to sub FE Lemon at 0.3% and FLV Red Raspberry at 0.25% for the MF flavours so I’m sure my version is not the same experience as intended but that said, I like this a lot. I’d like a little more crumble personally. I’m tempered to try this with a little FLV Pastry Zest and it’s crying out for some custard as well, but if I had t9 vape this as it is regularly in my rotation I wouldn’t have a single word of complaint.

Good stuff
#25 by SessionDrummer, Jan 16. 2022, 12:10
Thanks very much @CamV6. I'm trying to estimate, how it would taste with FLV's RR and FE's Lemon.

#26 by CamV6, Jan 16. 2022, 16:20
Pretty good!
#27 by SessionDrummer, Aug 20. 2022, 11:01
Thanks @CamV6. :)
#28 by Captain Grey , Aug 20. 2022, 11:39
I also tried this, subbing the MF flavours with SA's Natural Raspberry, (should be renamed 'sickly-sweet raspberry jam'), and CSC's Lemon, and found it disappointing. However, a second mix subbing both raspberries with the strawberry elements from your excellent strawberry custard was very yummy, although I agree with @CamV6 about upping the crumble. On a side note, I took a chance on a one shot recently, A&L's 'Cinematik', and it's remarkably similar to your Golden Grahams. :-)
#29 by SessionDrummer, Sep 29. 2022, 10:20
@Captain Grey, I always knew that publishing recipes with MF flavs would force subbing for some people, and I tried to make this one magical with NON-MF flavors, but for some reason I kept going back to them. A%L's Cinematic, hmmmm. ......
#30 by Craigg2020, Oct 22. 2022, 21:43
I finally got MF wild raspberry. Steep time?
#31 by Captain Grey , Oct 22. 2022, 22:32
@sessiondrummer, no worries, strawberry subs from your strawberry custard work a treat. I do really appreciate your work. Please keep on rocking and mixing ! ;-) And the wonders of individual taste buds...I love Cinematic, but may be you could improve it ? Challenge set...#popcorn...oh, the irony, go blitz that popcorn recipe ! :-)
#32 by SessionDrummer, Oct 23. 2022, 11:08
@Captain Grey. I have customers that love it off the mix where the Lemon is a little sharper, and others that prefer it after a week or two.
#33 by Craigg2020, Oct 23. 2022, 17:11
Thanks SD. I might have to mix it again. I accidentally bought the alcohol based MF lemon and that stuff is SO STRONG. I might just put 2 drops in 20 ml and call it good. Thanks for all you do.
#34 by SessionDrummer, Oct 24. 2022, 10:31
@Craig2020, you're on target, as the Silver MF Lemon is all there is now. I've not picked any up, but it sounds like it may need to be reduced a smidge.
#35 by Mix and Hope, Jan 8. 2024, 07:38
Man this looks delicious , glad I found it, I think I have all the flavors, looking forward to this.. Thanks Brother 👍
#36 by SessionDrummer, Jun 8. 2024, 03:23
Added an "Update" to the top regarding the NEW Medicine Flower Lemon Silver, which MAY be somewhat stronger than the OG MF Lemon I used, and am still using. You Silver'ers, may want to cut the Lemon in half, and work your way up from there.

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