Psycho I was actually looking for a new sweetener that doesn't use sucralose if you know if any. Rick's Sugar Daddy is great but I don't like using sucralose. He has one called sugar mama but I don't think it went over big. It was sucralose free but I don't see it around much. I have heard of monk fruit being used but idk where to buy a vape friendly monk fruit solution.
Im not on the whole sweetener and tried sugar cane vt in my trix cereal mix and after a week it is starting to give that sweet sugary texture trix needs
Sounds good! Enjoy! I hope you have the older version of the purilum strawberry cereal. They're both tasty, but they used to make it a little more heavy on the grain and I liked it better. Then the flavor disappeared and you couldn't get it anywhere, then it popped back up with a slightly different name of rice cereal and though it's still good it isn't quite as good as it was. Take care!