Ginger Limeade Fresh n' Fizzy 

Gravatar - by PAPACHiGLY, Nov 5. 2021, 21:47


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Suggested steep time: 7 days

Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:


A refreshing, fizzy and cool ginger limeade. The fizzy feeling is thoroughly present for me and the lime part is pretty well rounded.

To achieve the fizzy element (and I've played around with this several times), Candy Roll (FLV) has a drying effect on the tongue. Natural Lemon (SSA) is a bright lemon and slightly candied which I associate with a store bough lemonade. Combing these with ws23, I get an unmistakable fizzy effect.
Ginger Root (VTA) has a slightly woody taste but is covered over in most recipes. So fa it's been best for me in beverages. Persian Lime (VTA) is a beautiful lime but lacks just a bit of 'weight'. Shisha Lime (INW) fills in these gaps. Lemonade Clear (VTA) fills out the limeade a little further with some citrus tartness.
A bit of Super Sweet (Cap) is needed I feel. The tart or sour notes need a little taming.

Notes: Need to shout out JuliaSu for her recipe Ginger Lemonade Having bought Ginger Root (VTA) to mix her recipe I was further inspired to form the concept of a ginger limeade. JuliaSu is an excellent mixer and can recommend many of her mixes. She also has her own One-shot line which you can get from Chefsflavours.

Always learning from the generosity of mixers, sharing their ideas and knowledge in the DIY community and for this I am grateful 😊

Tested at around 80 watts | dual coil Asgard Mini RDA | Framed staple Ni80 | 0.15 Ohms


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