Honey Vanilla Tobacco (POD) 

Gravatar - by Ken O'Where, Jul 20. 2022, 00:20


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Suggested steep time: 7 days

Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

Nice light tobacco with honey and vanilla notes. I like my pod vapes to be simple. Can sub any of your favorite vanilla's but keep it low as the vanilla takes third seat here.

Vaping it on a Caliburn A2.

#1 by Aftab, Nov 23. 2022, 22:32
How is the flavor? I mean flavor percentage is decent for pod?
#2 by Ken O'Where, Jan 12. 2023, 05:28
Hey Aftab, sorry for the late reply. I quite enjoyed it. I dont often vape tobacco vapes but i keep a couple different bottles on the shelf for when i really want a tobacco vape. Honey Bee is a really potent flavor, i love honey so it is in the number two spot here.
#3 by Ken O'Where, Jan 12. 2023, 05:29
Oh, here are my private notes on this one:

7/18 thoughts on v2
up the vanilla and tobacco slightly, honey is perfect

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