Strawbanana n cream 

Gravatar - by Colter, Aug 14. 2022, 21:56


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

1 drop liquid Splendex from (100% Sucralose) substitute with your favorite sweetener.
2 drops of Splendex in pg will make a 10 ml bottle of sweetener.
You can still find splendex on ebay.
Actual ingredients in Splendex.
Purified Water, Sucralose, Citric Acid, Sodium Citrate, Potassium Sorbate, Sodium Bensoate

5 drops ecigexpress sweetener

#1 by Ken O'Where, Aug 14. 2022, 22:21
Liquid Splenda:
Ingredients Water, Sucralose, Malic Acid, Sodium Benzoate (Preservative), Potassium Sorbate (Preservative).

Interesting and similar to vape specific sweeteners.
#2 by Colter, Aug 15. 2022, 02:35
Sorry, listed wrong flavor. Not Splenda. It's splendex. I bought it a long time ago and it's 100% liquid sugralose. Super sweet and must be heavily diluted before using. 1 drop is enough for 120ml bottle.

Ken O'Where listed correct ingredients. Vape sweeteners are basically a diluted version of this.
#3 by Ken O'Where, Aug 15. 2022, 03:32
Ahh, what dilution % are you using and is it in a PG or VG base? I have some pure sucralose as well, im diabetic so i use a lot of the stuff. I can add the % and base to the flavor name for you.
#4 by Colter, Aug 15. 2022, 07:10
In this recipe I used it full strength with just 1 drop in 120ml bottle. I have diluted it though 1 drop in 10 ml pg. Then added just a few drops depending on the size of the eliquid bottle and how sweet I want it.

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