Vanilla Ryan Tobacco Custard 

Gravatar - by Ryan, Aug 16. 2022, 11:55


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Suggested steep time: 12 days

Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

I am trying to create a Tobacco forward, tobacco heavy custard with a hint of vanilla to be enjoyed all day, with morning coffee or in the evning on a MTL

I tried to Create a Mix , that embodies a solid Ry4 custard, but with more tobacco and punch of vanilla to blend it all together.

WF Vanilla ruyan custard pairs well with both inw and Flv tobaccos and is not too thick or eggy but leads itself to woodsy and eathy off notes with the ry 4 base in it - i push it to 6% ( and havent added Fa premium custard here although it may be a future variation)

FLV Kentucky - man i love this stuff - its great at solo (3% with flv cream at 1% ad an adv ), and this was inspiration to add Smokiness and ashy ash and earthiness. but this has a earthy tobacconist shop smell and feel to it and comes to life after 12 days - this would play well with my WF custard steep time of 11 days
FLV atanka - I really enjoy this flavour and have been pushing this to get that chewy moist tobacco element to help darken and play with the Ry 4 notes of the WF Van Ruyan custard ( i like it at 2% here but you can start at 1% and add more later if its a bit in your face

Inawera Shisha vanilla Blooms well in the first 7 days , but dies off and then turns to syrup if used to high, this is to bolster the vanilla custard and not much more and thicken the vape

Cap 22 Sweet at 0.5% ( Optional)

Notes: Im thinking of adding some FLV white chocolate to see if i can bend this to an almost white wolf type recipe but for now we will see how this develops, let me know your thoughts !

All testing is on a Dwarv DL - SS 28 guage tc mode at 430degrees F
and my Dwarv 16 mtl - kanthal 28 guage 7 wrapp at 13 watss at 1.20hms

Using nasty cotton


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