4 the Love of Dessert Tobacco's V3 

Gravatar - by Frunkster, Nov 28. 2022, 19:09


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

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Nothing earth shatteringly different TBH but it's a really nice easy to vape RY'esk mix with some extra depth of flavour, I went through my test batch way to quickly & will be mixing it again.

I may increase the Burly a little on the next mix possibly even double it for a more pronounced tobacco flavour.

I suspect it would achieve the same goal by reducing the Chow to 0.8% as it's fairly forward though far from being in your face.

IMO a cracking mix worthy of trying.

#1 by Bob_ohms2low, Feb 19. 2023, 02:52
Calipitter chow is so damn good. I need a few of these, but I'll search them out, just so I can mix this! Love me some ry4's!
#2 by Frunkster, Feb 20. 2023, 00:36
The chow is a stable & has been for me for many years, I even used to vape it standalone way back when (before I knew what I was doing with mixing).

You'd not be doing wrong picking the other flavours up for this one Bob as they are IMO all winners
#3 by Apathy, Aug 27. 2023, 02:55
Wonder how native would fair in this instead of the burley?...
#4 by Frunkster, Aug 31. 2023, 00:07
I imaging the native would work equally as well Apathy, it's another of the really good ones in their tobacco range IMO & one I used frequently, good call - I'll have to try it

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