Cherry Limeade 

Gravatar - by Spell Binding Vapes, Jan 22. 2023, 05:34


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


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Been my adv for ages now I’ve made a few different variations just tweeking slightly each time and I’m happy with how it is so thought I’d share it with you.

I love Wf black cherry jelly bean so that’s my main cherry here I’ve paired that with ssa ripe cherry and also I’ve used tpa cranberry as to me it adds a red note with some tartness.
The lemonade part is made up from Wf lemonade and their lemon lime soda which together gives a great lemonade with a touch of lime
Fizzy sherbet from Vta just works with most lemonades and fruit profiles I’ve used it here just to tie everything together really.
Ws23 and supersweet were used at 0.5 each but you can increase or leave out if you wish.

Nice one, Bean.

#1 by Wiki, Mar 17. 2023, 23:13
Very good recipe i use RF lemonade i don’t have WF thanks

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