Pony on acid 

Gravatar - by Joey6669, Apr 6. 2023, 23:36

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Might as well give this a try since they went away if anyone has advice or something that may help please add to it im going to get smooth and remove some of tye flavors after trying this just going off what the flavor description is mixed berry glaze see what happen

#1 by TZ, May 15. 2023, 19:10
Strawberry and cream (TPA)" - Not a valid flavor name.

The correct flavor name is:
Strawberries and Cream (TPA) e-liquid-recipes.com/flavors?fid=3875
Please adjust your ingredient name.

The link below is a Guide that shows how to create a Flavor Stash, which is the best method for searching and selecting the correct flavor names when building your recipe.

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