SoBe Sunrise🌅 

Gravatar - by TakeMeToTheSea, May 26. 2023, 19:06


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Suggested steep time: 2 days

Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:


SoBe Sunrise🌅

I really have been enjoying my Wolfie's Rainbow Rickie ( ) with the lemon sherbet floater. But whoooooaaa buddy, this is outrageously delicious! Originally I wanted to use orange sherbet, and Royal Orange Juice was a perfect flavor...until it wasn't. It faded badly after 7 days. I went shopping hoping to find that same flavor and had longevity. I found it with Orange Cream & Blood Orange. It works wonderfully with Cherry Limeade. I've been vaping this Rainbow Rickie version for a month and happily there are zero fading issues. Enjoy South Beach Sunrise!
As always, sweeten to taste.

MVP 5 - Plex 3D Coil 0.35 ohm @ 50W (DL)
Kroma Z - Z Coil 0.30 ohm @ 33W (RDL)
Nord 2 - RPM Coil 0.4 ohm @ 23W (RDL)

Mood music while mixing - Tequila Sunrise by Eagles

Comments & ratings are greatly appreciated🌈

#1 by Apathy, Aug 15. 2023, 07:07
Looks really tasty but I don't have the cherry limeade. Gonna use ooo topshelf sherbet. It's lime heavy amd creamy. Drop the cream fresh and use a ssa cherry. See how it turns out. This sounds like a really tasty profile, so hopefully it'll turn out well.
#2 by TakeMeToTheSea, Aug 15. 2023, 15:54
Sounds like a good plan Apathy. Let me know how it goes! Thanks for stopping by and giving the flavors a try.😎
#3 by Apathy, Jan 29, 07:14
Lol elr notifies me 6 months later, haha

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