Bru Chocolate Ice Cream Coffee 

Gravatar - by KHel, Jun 1. 2023, 20:33


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Suggested steep time: 21 days

Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

Chocolate coffe ice cream. It's a great combination. Some really good flavours here. Inawera Mocca is a very good coffee flavour, with the added bonus of being coil-friendly. Not many coffe flavours can claim that. Molinberry Glamour Chocolate is one of the best chocolates out there, and their Thick Vanilla Ice Cream is the king of ice creams. FA Brandy is here to add moisture, this is the best moisturiser I have used. 0.4% is enough, and it doesn't add any other notes at this percentage. TFA Cappuccino is one I am not so impressed by though, that one has to be used at a low percentage to avoid rewicking too often. It tastes good, but is a coil killer if used at higher percentages. Personally I will phase that flavour out after I finish the tester bottle with this recipe, which I will enjoy. If you don't have that flavour, you can make this recipe without, and it will definitely be more friendly to the coils without.

Steep 21 days with cap on. Not a coil-friendly recipe.

Developed with Vapefly Pixie and Psyclone Mods Citadel 22mm single coil RDAs.


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