Silver Bullet Ruyan best bacco 

Gravatar - by MTL sLOVEnia, Nov 6. 2023, 21:47


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

This recipe was adapted from:

Adaptation: switching RY4 with Vanilla Ruyan custard, adding RY4 Jungle. Now this is thole story...1 year of mixing over 30 combinations this one turned out the best. Thanks to - vape pal jbitts whom I own inventing the Ruyan. Go ahead mixing even without RY4, it is absolute winner ! Nice smooth yet strong enough tobacco. Have a good one.

Adapted from this recipe

#1 by jbitts, Mar 10, 18:34
looks amazing, I will mix this up but have to sub the RY4 Hangda and real flavors SC with something else.
#2 by jbitts, Jul 10, 01:46
I always have a bottle of this steeping in my Silver rotation lol, this is perfection with my morning coffee
#3 by Ken O'Where, Jul 12, 06:51
Not positive on this but im pretty sure Hangda is/was Hangsen. Ill ask on the forums just to be sure.
#4 by MTL sLOVEnia, Aug 2, 01:39
Yeah Ken, Hangda ordered with Fasttech so I would believe it's from China anyways. You can't find it anymore but it was nothing like Hangsen's RY4 which is too prominent/dominant for my tiste. I like to use Hangda's to smoothdn the TPA's RY4 but one can simply sub Hangda with 50% less of TPA and there will be no difference.

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