VSO Flavors makes a Sabayon flavoring (wine custard) that i find really interesting and delicious.
The Italian version of wine custard is called Zabaglione.
This profile is a layer of boysenberry infused wine custard between two shortcake cookies.
The Moscato and Boysenberry are used low because they are potent flavorings. It was challenging to get a decent custard note without over powering the cake/cookie aspect but i think i found a nice balance.
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Thank you @Rocky02852 @Ken_O_Where @Fidalgo_vapes for judging this as i know it will take up a lot of your time.
Thanks for participating in the contest tuney, ingenious use of the Boysenberry / Moscato combo! For me the shortbread cookie part didn't come through but I can still appreciate what a challenge this recipe must have been!