Vanilla Tootsie Roll / Vanilla Taffy Base 

Gravatar - by STR8V8PING , Dec 8. 2023, 07:29


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

I have been on a search for a straight vanilla vape. NOT a cream, Not a custard, Not a frosting. Not a boubon vanilla or madigascar Just vanilla. A candy type vanilla or pulled Vanilla taffy. This is similar to a Vanilla tootsie roll aka midgees, Vanilla turkish taffy, or a pulled vanilla taffy. I think I finally hit the mark on this elusive vanilla.

I dont know if people can understand this but if you had vanilla taffy or even the tootsie rolls theres almost 2 notes. You git that deep vanilla candy note but also at the edge of that spectrum is like a bright almost fruity but not note, maybe like acidic hint. Like right where the sweetness and tart meet sort of like a merenge. I think i nailed both those notes in this and thats whats giving that instany taffy texture perception

This is still a work in progress and can be followed on updates here

#1 by Lynda Marie , Dec 11. 2023, 01:09
Tahitian vanilla has cherry and almond notes.
#2 by SessionDrummer, Jan 8, 00:50
@STR8, I've never seen or tried vanilla tootsie rolls, BUT, I was curious to see how the FE Sweet Rice was able to PULL all of the Vanillas. Just mixed it, and finger test was interesting.
#3 by Hattrick8, May 10, 21:39
Good one!

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