NEW NomNomz Super Concentrates Part II Reviewed by SessionDrummer 

Gravatar - by SessionDrummer, Mar 22. 2024, 01:24


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


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I talked back and forth with Richard from NomNomz, and he was more than kind to send out every flavor from that line, that I had not tested previously. Thanks out to @iLardyboy for getting them stateside, damned quick.

Testing (as always) will be done on the beloved SteamCrave RDTA v.1, running dual 24ga. Kanthal vertical coils, with fresh KGD cotton, and fresh, or dry burned coils before every test. All mixed using a 70v/30p/3mg carrier, and tested at 65 watts.

Jump back to Part I:

**Mint Cream (SC) (Nomz) 1.5% (2-18-24)** -- It's NO secret that I'm not a huge fan of mints (or cooling), but THIS one, I liked. Wow, what an interesting idea, approach, and implementation. It's like NomNomz decided to make a Mint, for people who might not love da mints !!! The mint profile was very accurate, clean, and natural tasting, with maybe a hint-o-peppermint, but couldn't be sure. The slight cooling I got wasn't off-putting to me at all BECAUSE, of the deliciously paired cream. The cream here, was more than just a simple cream/creamery, it was almost [like a Werther's]( hard Butterscotch candy, BUT, without the butterscotch. So simply just calling it a "cream" didn't seem close enough. The pairing of both the mint and "cream" was perfect, such that neither ran over the other, while both being present. At 1.5% it was spot on, delicious, and full, and I could not find a single off-note or complaint, and this is coming from the NOT Mint Guy. While not overly complex, it tasted like it should, and could actually be solo'd, which is a growing trend with these NomNomz SC's. Having a hard time putting this one down, and leaving it very high at a **9.8/10**.

**Nougatine (SC) (Nomz) 1.5% (3-21-24)** -- Well there was [no confusing this one with a Nougat](, as there were no egg whites, or candied fruit. Roasted nuts, butter, and caramelized sugar is what this one was. Wow, yet another "TAH" (Tasty As Hell) one here people. It was very accurate, and convincing with no off-notes, distractions, or anything out of place. At 1.5% while very rich, and full, was still a relaxed flavor. Sweetness was just below mid-level, and that was a surprise given it's IRL ingredients. The caramelized sugar was just about as close to perfect as you could get, and with no scorched or bitter notes. The nut(s) were somewhat of a mystery but tasted like a hazelnut/pecan mashup, which were present, but not dominant in the mix. At times I got hints of actual butter, other times not, but the buttery richness, and smoothness were always present. I couldn't come up with any complaints EXCEPT for wanting MORE !!!! Often times, sweetened, rich flavors like this can grow fatiguing after a while or loose some of their pep, but this one stayed tasty till the last tester. The pairing of the nuts, butter, and caramelized sugar was very well done, and that kept it balanced. There was an almost honey-like quality to it, without any overt honey notes. All in, a very accurate Nougatine with just about perfect levels of roasted nuts, caramelized sugar, and butter. Very hard to nit-pick other than the somewhat relaxed satuarion. Easily a **9.3/10**.

**Orange (Blood) (SC) (Nomz) 1.5% (3-9-24)** -- "Blood, blood, blood makes the grass grow". Sorry, hehe, I work with a guy who was [82nd Airborne]( This indeed was an orange, and it was somewhat leaning towards a Blood Orange. Plenty of citrus, and with hints of a nice citrus oil which improved it's real-ness. It was less sharp and edgy than a regular orange which was in keeping with it's "Bloodline". I often think of Blood Oranges like regular oranges, somewhat tempered by a Raspberry undertone, and this one had some of that, but not fully. At 1.5% it wasn't overly strong, but not weak, somewhere in the middle. Sweetness was just below mid-level, and as mentioned, some of the tart punchy-ness of a regular orange were gone, which was realistic. Tasty, fairly accurate, and also fairly smooth. I didn't pick up any off-notes or anything out of place, but I wished for maybe some more intensity, would be my only complaint. Accurate, kind of bloody, but just kind of recessed. Possibly increasing the percentage, or even adding a drop of sweetener might help. It felt like it was just almost there, so I settled on a **7.5/10** for this one. Good, and close.

**Papaya (SC) (Nomz) 1.5% (3-20-24)** -- My first thought on this one was, "Is this a Papaya Custard" !!! Wow, didn't see this one coming. This one was tasty, and CREAMY !!! I am now finishing the third tester, and I'm still stuck on that first thought. At 1.5% it was very rich, full, and (repeating), creamy. It was soo creamy, that I'd swear that it was paired with an almost vanilla custard. Now I didn't get overt eggy-ness like you would from a stiff VC, but dammit, it sure almost tasted like it. The Papaya had a sprinkling of bright, top notes, but was far more centered on the mid to almost mid-dark notes of the Papaya. The bright, orange, fleshy notes hit you up front, and then for the remainder from the middle to the finish there it slid into a deep orange, rich and creamy-ness, that really almost rivaled some good VC's. I've had somewhat creamy Papayas before, but nothing like this one. Wow.

The Papaya notes were fairly accurate, rich, and natural tasting, and unless you can call a cream, cream, creamy-ness an off-note, I couldn't detect any. Sweetness was below mid-level, and there was a nice little tarty punch at the VERY end, that added some zing to the finish. I have never had a Papaya like this one before, and the only hard part on scoring this one, was to determine if the creamy, almost VC like main carrier note overshadowed the Papaya or not. It was really hard to judge this, and judge it for ALL of you, BUT, in the end, I decided that it did not, and finalized this one very high. Accurate, natural, and the creamiest Papayas I have ever tested, and so much so, that I wanted to call it a Papaya Custard. If you like Papayas, Custards, or Vanilla Custards, you SHOULD run out and get this one. About the only people this might not appeal to would be those in need of a "light and bright" only Papaya. I'll take some more of this one, and will leave it very high at a **9.85/10**.

**Passionfruit (SC) (Nomz) 1.5% (5-17-24)** -- Getting near the end of this long series, with the Passionfruit. I could tell right away, that this one was not only good, but a very spot on Passionfruit flavor. It had just the right amount of sweetness, tartness, and the characteristic fermented (slight fizzy)-ness. After about 2 testers in, I decided to start writing this, and it stayed consistently good. Fresh, accurate, and very natural were my big three take-aways from this one. At 1.5% it was very full, and I didn't feel the need to increase the strength at all. Sweetness was almost at mid-level, and that felt right where it needed to be. No off-notes, or even any complaints with this one. All in, a very accurate, tasty Passionfruit, with just the right amounts of sweetness, slight tartness, and fermented fizzyness to sell it's authenticity, all day long. If you're a PF lover, you will probably love this one. With no issues, complaints, or off-notes, this one felt good, fairly high at a **9.8/10**.

**Peach (SC) (Nomz) 1.5% (3-3-24)** -- Wow, this peach had an interesting profile that I'm not sure if I've ever gotten from a Peach flavor before. It almost had the FUZZ nailed down. YES, you could almost taste it, like you were biting into a fresh peach. Now, that was only best way to describe the effect it had, because no, it wasn't a "fuzzy flavor" LOL. It presented as an almost entirely natural peach, but with notes from both yellow, and white peaches. It had a slight dryness on the finish, and not sure if that was what was fuzzing it up, or maybe even adding a little bit of "ripeness" to it. Probably the latter. At 1.5% it was "kinda" strong, but felt like maybe a bit more, possibly 2.0% might have helped it a bit. Sweetness was a few ticks below mid-level, and it had none of the "canned" or "syrup" peachy-ness. No off-notes, and it stayed consistent till the last tester with no real shifts. All in, it was a natural mashup of a yellow and white peach, somewhat sweet, with an almost tangible "peach fuzz" nuance. Might not be the star of the peach show, but definitely a big player. It felt good around the **8.7/10** mark.

**Peach (Yellow) (SC) (Nomz) 1.5% (4-6-24)** -- Hehe, WOW, I was unprepared for this one, and it was a SHOCKER !!!! The first thing that came to mind with this one, was Unapologetic. Yes baby yes. Full on, In Your Face, no apologies, punchy yellow peach. Even if you've never heard of [Clingstone or Freestone](, as a way to categorize Peaches, this one will PUSH what you thought possible, with a Peach flavor. I would call this a HYPER realistic, punchy, yellow peach, that was about as close, and naturally so, that you could get. You could literally taste the different shades of the peach. Very juicy, just sweet enough, tart, punchy, and VERY full at the 1.5% testing weight. Not syrup-ed, canned, or baked here, just a full on, fresh, juicy peach. The very natural taste, and complete saturation levels of this one could not be overstated. At times I got a hint of fuzz, other times not, but needless to say, the ONLY thing missing with THIS peach, was the PIT. Yes, that was it. NO off-notes, complaints, issues, nadda. One of the best things about this one, was NomNomz was able to really CRANK it up, with very nice bright punchy notes, but without leaning on any apricot, or nectarine notes, as it stayed 100% true to it's name. Wow, this one was a great one, AND, I had no choice but to Release the Kraken, and **10/10** it. Hehe, yeah, unapologetic is just about right for this one.

**Pear (SC) (Nomz) 1.5% (4-2-24)** -- I've had some very "so-so" luck with Pear flavors in general, and am always hoping the NEXT one, will BE the one. This one DID have some nice Pear notes in it, BUT, I got some other notes too. As strange as it sounds I got some light Celery, and almost Tea notes from this one. Both of them were light, but I def. got them both. There was an interesting "Honey-like" aspect to this one at my 1.5% testing weight. Not the overt taste OF honey, but somewhat honey-like. It was very full and tasty at this weight, and sweetness was almost at mid-level. I had a very hard time trying to articulate the exact ratio of peach, to celery, and light tea, but maybe 80% pear, 15% celery, and 5% light tea to give you an idea. Mostly Pear, but with some passengers. Were they deal breakers ?? Ehhh, not deal breakers, but take-offs for sure. Like MOST other Pear flavors, I never got the "Sugar Sand" effect, which may be IMPOSSIBLE to replicate in a flavor, and the Pear I did get was fairly natural with some slight artificial notes. While not tart, there was a little sizzle in there, almost like a citrus-y kick to it, which kept this one interesting. Every now and again, I did seem to get a hint of skin, which kept it more authentic, than not. While weighing the take-offs, this one was one of the better Pears I've tried, and keeping that in mind, I decided to leave it at a **9.0/10**.

**Pecan Nut (SC) (Nomz) 1.5% (2-18-24)** -- 100% of my previous Pecan testing has always been in the "Butter Pecan" realm, so this one was a first. Out of the gate, there was no mistaking this as a "nut" flavor. There WERE some great Pecan notes in there, but they weren't consistent, nor the star of the show. What pecan notes I did get were fairly natural, with a darker, earthier tone that helped sell them. But, as mentioned previously, they came and went. Whiel nowhere near a "creamed" flavor, there was a certain creamy-ness TO it, with some mid-level sweetness. This one might work better as a nut mixer or baser, as opposed to a main Pecan note. What was there was great, just maybe not enough of it. The most consistent profile, nutty/earthy was very interesting, and would be either a love or hate profile, and because it stayed in the "nutty" range, I didn't take off too much for it, but more of the "not Pecan 100% of the time. It felt like it was 60-65% of the way there, so leaving this earthy lil' nutter at a **6.5/10**.

**Pineapple (SC) (Nomz) 1.5% (3-6-24)** -- This one smelled great, and tasted great. A bright, juicy, yellow pineapple. It tasted fairly sweet, at about mid-level with no "candied" notes, and overall it tasted like a 50/50 mix of a fresh sliced pineapple, and a slightly baked pineapple. It was not browned, singed, or sauteed but just baked. Now at 1.5% it wasn't an "in your face" flavor. The initial on-rush was quite intense, but it fell off somewhat quickly. I tried increasing it slowly to see it it would "bloom" a little more, but it stayed fairly consistent until I pushed it too high into muting. The muting was entirely expected, as it was doubled at that point. 1.5% seemed to be the sweet spot. No off-notes, no florals, and at about mid-level sweet. The somewhat noticeable fall off appears to be "baked in" as it were. I would have rated much higher it it had stayed consistent all the way through. Now, even with all of that said, it WAS a juicy, flavorful pineapple, that could be used a lot, but lacked some of the brighter "punch" that might be required. It's probable that the "baked"-ed-ness might have been responsible. All in, a tasty, juicy one, but might need a little boosting. What I did get, was too flavorful to down-rate too much, and I decided on a **7.0/10**. Good, just not the star of the show.

**Popcorn (SC) (Nomz) 1.5% (5-15-24)** -- It's safe to say that "Popcorns" are tricky, or everyone would be making them. This one was in the "ballpark" of a Popcorn, but it was fairly light, and not entirely all of the way there. Clearly there were some popcorn elements in there, but I don't think it could be the star in a popcorn mix. There were no overt butter notes, but there was a certain richness that implied there was some in there. It was somewhat sweetened, but quite a bit below mid level. Smelling it, there was an almost light AP note, and an almost toasted popcorn kernel smell that was very accurate, but it didn't fully translate when testing it. With no real off-notes to complain about, I think this one would def work IN a mix, but would need some pairings/boosting to fully work. All in, a good, light, "some of the way there" popcorn flavor, that would work great, with some support. Because I score heavily on accuracy, I'm going to push this one up a bit, but not near the top, and leave it at a **6.9/10**.

**Praline (SC) (Nomz) 1.5% (4-1-24)** -- If you're not sure what a [Praline]( is, it varies somewhat, depending on where they're made. This one did remind me of an American "Down South" version, as I got a nice little pecan nutty-ness from it. Now in conflict with that, I did get a very light chocolate at times, not typically found IN the American version, so perhaps it was a mashup of versions. Sugary, buttery, caramel-y, and nutty were what I got from this one. At 1.5% it tasted VERY good, BUT, was still somewhat relaxed (sorry). Perhaps bumping it to 2.0% would help. As I made my way through the testers, the buttery richness on the finish increased, making it even tastier, and with some lighter toffee-ish notes. The underlying nutty-ness was hard to nail down, as one minute I got more of a Pecan, other times, a light, non-bitter hazelnut !!! Yes, it was a deliciously confusing flavor to try and describe. I will say, even somewhat relaxed, it was HARD to put down. No off-notes to be had, and sweetness was about a tick below mid-level. All in, a VERY good candy-ish flavor with light nutty-ness (pecans/hazelnuts), sweetness, butter, and light caramel/toffee notes. It was a very accurate representation, even if it straddled one or more type. Too good to not leave this one high, and finally decided on a **9.6/10** with the only issue being the somewhat relaxed nature at my 1.5% testing weight.

**Puffed Rice (SC) (Nomz) 1.5% (4-4-24)** -- Is Puffed Rice the same as Rice Krispies ?? No. Krispies have malt flavor, sugar, and salt, whereas MOST Puffed rice, is just that. This flavor is probably the MOST accurate PR that I've ever tested. It literally smelled, and tasted JUST like a fresh bag of PR cereal. No malt, no salt, and only marginally sweet. It also had that almost dry-er cardboard-y note that the real cereal has, and no, that's not an off-note, it's an accurate note. While there were SOME similarities between say TPA's Rice Crunchies, and FE's Sweet Rice, it was still quite different and unique. No real off-notes to speak of, with the exception of a very slight AP note, but it was very light, and I almost didn't even mention it. PRC (Puffed Rice Cereal) is ALL you need to know about this one. Very barely sweetened, and it was pretty full at my 1.5% testing weight. Just SUPER accurate. That's all there is people. Marking down only very slightly for the very slight AP note, but that was IT. Tasty, accurate, and true. Easily a **9.9/10**.

**Raspberry (SC) (Nomz) 1.5% (3-3-24)** -- BACK into the Raspberries from NomNomz with this one. The thing I liked best about this one, was it was just different enough from all of the RB's on my racks. It tasted a little like this one, and a little like that one, but no direct comparisons. It seemed to be a 50/50 mix of natural to artificial with neither taking the lead. It was fairly candied however, and at about mid-level sweet, it seemed somewhat "smoother" overall. There was just a hint of tart on the finish, but only a hint, as the "candied" washed over it fairly fully. No florals, medicinals, or perfumes present, and no off-notes to complain about. My tastes lean heavily towards all natural RB's, so keep that in mind regarding my scoring. As far as "colors", it tasted like some red, more black, and no blue for comparison. Tasty, semi-complex, and fairly candied was what this one was, and it did taste good. The somewhat "candied"-ness of it could (not assured) limit some uses, or at least as the primary RB driver. Very tasty, and my only "wishes" would have been a little more natural, and a little less candied, BUT, that's on MY list, hehe. Still a good one, and hard to fault, and finalized it @ a still very high **8.9/10**.

**Raspberry Custard (SC) (Nomz) 1.5% (3-7-24)** -- With this being one of my favorite profiles, I was anxious to dive into it. As always, your definitions of [Custards or Puddings]( may vary. This one plain worked for my tastes, BUT, yours might be different, so READ on. The Raspberry notes were on point, and were very evenly paired with the Custard making it hard to pick it out completely, but it still had some sharp punchy notes helping it shine through. It also had some light jammie-ness, which also helped it to stand out a little. The Custard was much more like an American Pudding, as some of the heavier, egg-ier notes were absent. They were there, just not in a heavy handed fashiot, so if you need the Eggy-iest of eggy custards, this may not be Custardy enough. The "custard" (pudding) was sweet, creamy, and smooth, with some great Vanilla accents, which favored a Madagascar.

The pairing of the two was very nicely done, leaving them both playing center stage. Beyond that great taste, and perfect ratios, the interesting thing was the Custard, and Raspberries stayed seperated enough that they did seem like two different elements, as opposed to a blurry mashup if the two, if that makes sense. The reason why I think this flavor (and other's like it) are so valuable is that they can easily be push/pulled into YOUR favorite profile. Need more RB, add it, need mo egg, add it. I suspect there are going to be a LOT of people, who might just solo this silly as is. Plenty full at 1.5%, sweetness was at mid-level, and I had NO complaints, issues, or off-notes. I literally bled the third tester dry, before finally giving up, and writing this. A very good RB Custard that ticks most of the boxes, and can easily be tailored to any specific needs. Not perfect, but MAN, it was close. **9.8/10**.

**Raspberry Jam (SC) (Nomz) 1.5% (3-17-24)** -- Out of the gate, you KNEW this one was a Jam. BUT, was it jammie enough ?? Yes, it was. This one actually took a little bit to settle down in my tester, so I gave it a little extra time. Once it did, it rocked all the way till the empty-ness of the third tester. I can't say for sure, but similar to Nomz OG Raspberry, but better. At 1.5% it tasted fuller, richer, and with, (you guessed it), some very nice jammy undertones. It had some nice pectin-ish tarty notes that convinced you it was a jam. Some bright, some mid, and a few darker RB tones in this one. Sweetness was at about mid-level, and down near the bottom there was an almost buttery light note on the finish, but only slightly. The RB was convincingly natural, and none of the "candied"-ed-ness that I got from the OG RB, which is/was to my RB liking. Sweet(er), jammed, authentic, and with no off-notes to complain about. IMO, this was was quite superior to the OG RB, and I could use this one, all day. DId I find it hard to "move on" after the third tester ran completely dry ?? YES. As far as "wishes", maybe just a hint more of the jam would have been my only wish, and a small one at that. Very tasty, hard to put down, and dare I say, damned good, all on it's own. Slight take-off for just wanting a HINT more of jam, but only slightly, and leaving this tasty little jammer at a high **9.8/10**.

**Raspberry Wafer (SC) (Nomz) 1.5% (2-25-24)** -- When mixing this one up, I had two thoughts. "Wow, this smells great", and "I know this flavor". Turns out that the Wafer was stronger, but almost identical to [the OG Wafer from Chefs]( that I had tested previously. As was, and still was the case with it, I still didn't get a lot of "wafer" from it, but that's probably a matter of wafer opinion, but I got much more of a FW Waffle Cone, some other bakery/ies, and maybe a touch of AP. Now, having NOT tested the four OTHER Raspberries from NomNomz yet, I can only assume that one of them was in here. AND, the two profiles paired perfectly together. With the whole wafer/biscuit/cookie debate aside, the Raspberry had JUST enough sweetness, and tartness to break through the bakery elements, It tasted mostly natural, with some jammed, and candied accents. The two main profiles did pair very well, and it was damned tasty. No off-notes, or complaints other than the definition of "wafer". Minor take-offs for that, but that was it. Too good to mark down much, and decided to leave it super solidly at a **9.5/10**.

**Raspberry (Wild) (SC) (Nomz) 1.5% (3-17-24)** -- Sadly for ALL Wild Raspberries, they [have a high bar to meet](, so all WRB's I test, I can't NOT compare them. This one presented as a "different" raspberry, and while tasty, I wasn't 100% sold on the "Wild". Now while I can't fully quantify exactly what makes a Wild a wild, I can always tell if it's "In There". This one presented almost like a candied Raspberry, with some interesting accents, and it took me QUITE a while to figure it out, but I did (again). I think the paired profile was similar to that of a grape. It was VERY hard to tell when riding around with the Raspberry, but it seemed more purple than green, but maybe a hint of green grape in there as well. NOW, this was not a straight mashup of a grape and raspberry, but the grape was almost slid in, underneath (undertone) below the more dominant Raspberry. The raspberry stayed fairly candied, and partially artificial throughout my tests, and that damned interesting grape-y undertone never left. It tried to stay hidden below the RB, but once I tasted it, (you know), I couldn't UN-taste it.

Now, overall the flavor WAS very good, and it was nicely full at 1.5%, and was just below mid-level sweet. No off-notes, florals, soaps, or perfumes, and about the ONLY thing I wasn't 100% sure of, was the grape-y undertones, and/or if that sold the "Wildness". In the end, I couldn't decide, so I decided to take-off just a bit as to my tastes, it was a grape, and although a VERY tasty flavor, didn't sell me on the "wild". All in, a fairly candied Red (guessing) Raspberry, tempered by a super interesting grape undertone, which when combined, yielded a very interesting flavor. Even without selling me entirely on the wild, it still was too good to go below a **9.0/10**.

**Red Currant (SC) (Nomz) 1.5% (3-3-24)** -- Tart, Red Berry Bliss !!!! Wow, this was spot on, and the added tart, and acidity made them possibly the best RC I have tried to date. Very natural tasting with little to no artificial distraction. You could taste the little red berries from beginning to end, and it never let up. The flavor was so accurate, I didn't get a HINT of any other non currant flavor in this. The tart, sweet, and acidity were perfectly paired, which left it hyper accurate, and zingy. I wish the RB had this much pop. No off-notes, florals, or soaps here people, just clean, zingy, red currants. It was perfect at 1.5% without needing any changes, and sweetness, while tempered by the tart, and acidity, stayed just below mid-level. Often, when I'm testing "currant" flavors, they are in the ballpark, or "kinda", but not this one. Full on, all go and no quitting here. Even though this flavor was a stellar one, I did look hard trying to find anything out of place, or off, but I couldn't. If you've never tried currants, or been let down by other flavors, you should buy this one now. This one, was a perfect **10/10**. Release the Kraken again, and that's TWO in a row now.

**Rhubarb (SC) (Nomz) 1.5% (3-9-24)** -- I have had some BAD Rhubarbs before, so I am always cautious when testing them. This one smelled very rhubarb-y in the bottle, and that continued on to the testing. Slightly floral, and had some nice tartness on the finish. At 1.5% it was full, and sweetness was just below mid level. It had a certain "cooked" overall taste however, that seemed to detract from a fresh rhubarb that was hard to quantify. It's like it was partially blanched or cooked out a bit. It was def. a rhu, but not all the way, and at times I got an almost plasticky undertone. Very light, and would be easy to cover/hide in a mix, but I did get it. I think making Rhubard flavors is very hard, and credit out to NomNomz for getting it squarely in the ballpark. After rolling through 3 testers of this one, it still presented more as a cooked or partially blanched rhubarb, with some nice sweetness, and a tart finish, with that slight off-note that came and went. It felt fair to leave it at a **7.0/10**.

**Rum (Brown) (SC) (Nomz) 1.5% (2-13-24)** -- Getting into this one, for my mixing mentor @Mikser. Tasting this one in the bottle was SPOT ON, for a Darker Rum. Testing it, it seemed to loose a little in translation. I tried to boost and cut it, and it stayed roughly the same, so there are no "official" other percentages. The initial onrush was very good, and had a slight sweet undertone, but there was no mistaking it was a dark rum. No real spicy-ness to speak of, so no Captain Morgan here folks. I think I was MISLED into thinking that because of the slight sweetness, but no spice, just dark(er) rum. After the initial onrush however, it kind of faded out. I kept comparing it to what I tasted on the finger, and was wishing that was how it presented when testing. It was so accurate on spot on, off the finger it was scary, and I couldn't pick out anything off, or out of place. About my only nitpick would be the fairly rapid "decoupling" after the initial onrush. Again, flavor wise, it was a very accurate, natural tasting rum which leaned completely into the "dark" side, with far below mid-level, but still present sweetness. Great, but just lost some in the translation. It felt fair to still place this one at an **8.0/10**.

**Strawberry (SC) (Nomz) 1.5% (3-14-24)** – Red, Perky, and Sweet were my three big take-aways on this one. I know, I know, another strawberry ?? Hehe, yes. It’s a crowded field for sure. This one presented as a damned natural Red, somewhat juicy Strawberry. Red seemed to be the “center” of it, but there were hints of white, and maybe just a smidge of green floating around in there as well. Just at face value, it was pretty complex. At 1.5% it felt like it might benefit from a little push, maybe 0.5% higher. I got much more of the middle body notes, than the bright sparkly notes, so I’ll just call it “Mid Centered”. There was some bright high notes, but far lighter than the main profile in the middle. There was some nice tart-ed-ness mixed in, but just enough to mimic a real strawberry. What was odd about this one, was it wasn’t “thin” or “watery-ish” like many fruit flavors, and it had some “weight” to it. Hard to explain, but I think it was the focus on the middle range of the SB, rather than just the higher/brighter notes only. Throughout all 3 testers, it stayed just as natural tasting as it did in the beginning,so no muting or fatigue. Even with that said, I think a smidge more of the brighter, sparkly notes would have worked here. Sweetness was about mid-level, but it was not candied, or jammed. All in, an impressive natural, fairly complex strawberry, which was centered around a juicy red strawberry, with minor white, and green accents. No off-notes, but just felt like a little more sparkle would have helped it pop more. Leaving it at a 9.1/10.

**Strawberry (Wild) (SC) (Nomz) 1.5% (5-14-24)** -- Getting back in to the few to finish off this series with this one. At 1.5% it was fairly strong, but felt like it could use just a little bump, so 2.0% might be the better SFT weight. As it was, it was an interesting Strawberry. I actually got a mix of both a Wild SB, and a slightly candied SB, with light artificial notes. It was somewhat smooth, and not what I would call a "ripe" SB. No jammy-ness or pectins here, and it had some tartness on the finish. The "wild" part was harder to quantify, but I think the second slightly artificial/candied note was what handled that more than anything else. Overall it was natural tasting, with some hints of candied. Sweetness was a few ticks below mid level, and there were no off-notes to complain about. I couldn't decide if the two different notes worked together or not. Overall, it was a very "smooth" strawberry. I think having some more bright end punch would have helped it pop a little more. As it stood, a good smooth SB that was fairly natural, with some slight candied/artificial notes. It felt good at a **7.9/10**.

**Sweet Lime (SC) (Nomz) 1.5% (3-1-24)** -- [Cold Pressed, or Distilled](, I have no clue, BUT, it tasted pretty limey to me. It was not the strongest Lime I've tried, or at least a 1.5%, and it felt like it might have needed about 25% more "oomph". It was sweetened, but not in an overpowering way, and it landed at about mid-level sweet. Depending if you wanted/needed more sweetener in your mix(es) may, or may not include/exclude this one because of that. As far as the actual lime to sweet ratio, I might put it as high as 55% Lime / 45% sweet to better explain it. What was interesting was the sweetness offset any tart or sour to it, which left it as a rather "smooth" or "not sharp" lime, which again might, or might not be what you were looking for, depending. Taste wise, it was accurate, and fairly natural, and there were no off-notes, but I have to admit to missing some of the mouth pucking tart-ed-ness that limes can often times bring. Even with da sweetz, I could see tons of tea, drink, even desert uses for this one. All in, it simply tasted like 75%-80% of the way there, and I decided to leave it squarely at a **7.5/10**. Very tasty, just slightly subdued by some of the sweet.

**Tobacco (Gold) (SC) (Nomz) 1.5% (3-10-24)** -- Being an avid NOT-toabacco-er, I won't be able to break this one down or compare it to most other tobaccos, and NO, I don't NET. My tobacco reviews typically go [something like this](), so read on at your own risk. No doubt, this was a tobacco. It presented fairly complex, to my non-bacco tastebuds, and had a nice "fresh cut" taste to it. It had hints of fresh straw,very light chocolate, nuts, and coffee if you can believe it or not. There was a certain "dirty-ness" to this one, not ashy, but a nice grungy, dirty undertone.that really worked with this one. It was fairly sweet, but still a few ticks below mid-level. There was an almost creamy-ness to it, but it wasn't creamy, if that makes sense. Yeah, I got ALL THAT from this one. Hopefully a NET'er, or BACCO'er will chime in, and give you a better perspective on this one. All in, it was a convincing tobacco, with a very natural overall taste, with some very complex undertones. Having little to nothing to compare this to, AND being the "Not Bacco Guy", I'm going to leave this grungy, little dirty one at a **9.5/10**..

**Tobacco RY4 (SC) (Nomz) 1.5%/2.0% (3-23-24)** -- Breaking into another RY4 with this one. I've tested more RY's lately, so this one will be added to the list. I tested at two weights, and started with 1.5%, and felt it needed a little more, and increased it to 2.0%, with minimal gains, so this one did seem to top out around the 1.5%-1.6% as a solo. This one was fairly caramel dominant with some lighter, maybe golden tobacco in the background. The caramel was very good, sweet, rich, and with some VERY nice darker notes. The darker notes might have been scorched, but not burnt or bitter, and blended directly into the tobacco notes, so it was hard to nail down exactly. While the Caramel was rich, I didn't get any overt butter from it, but rich it was. Sweetness was fairly high, and just at, or slightly above mid-level, but not cloyingly so. Candied-ish, maybe, but def. a sweeter RY4. Although the bacco played second fiddle to the caramel it tasted natural, with some darker tones, but no ash or grit, which led to a smooth(er) overall experience. All in, this was a broad spectrum, rich, sweetened caramel with light scorching, paired with a somewhat lighter tobacco which seemed golden, with some darker notes. No off-notes, and my only "wish" would have been a slight reduction in sweetness, and an increase OF the bacco. Still very tasty, and finalized it at a flat **9.0/10**.

**Toffee (Butter) (SC) (Nomz) 1.5% (3-2-24)** -- Right out of the gate, there was no confusing this for anything other than a Toffee. Buttery, sweet, and much darker than a caramel, which was exactly what a Toffee cooked to the [higher temp "Hard Crack" stage]( should taste like. I got hints of butter, but much more of the buttery smoothness. Obviously not as creamy as a caramel, but it still had a creamy-ness to it. Continuing to test this one, just revealed even more buttery-ness, and rich darker notes. I didn't get any overt chocolate or nuts, but that was a NON issue because this one was that tasty, AND, a blank slate, if you wanted either of the two. As far as off-notes, there were none, and it was just a tick above mid-level sweet. VERY hard to put down. Overall, it covered a fairly full spectrum of Toffees with some light, more mid-dark, and even more DARK-dark notes. At times I thought I caught a hint of burnt in the darkness, and instead of that being a negative, it just worked to sell it's authenticity even more. If you like Toffee, you will like this one. At the end of the third tester, I was convinced, it was perfect as is, with no choco or nuts, and was easily be run as a solo. Just short of perfect IMO, and leaving it at a sky high **9.9/10**.

**Toffee (Candy) (SC) (Nomz) 1.5% (3-10-24)** -- Having had [STELLAR results with NomNomz Toffee(Butter) ]( , I had VERY high hopes for this one. Boy, was I in for a surprise. I actually got little to none of the delicious buttery toffee mentioned above, and instead got a very slight HINT of it, and I think they paired it with a butterscotch-ish flavor, but it went sideways, and ended up throwing a somewhat "Play-Doh" note. Not as much as CAP's Glazed Donut, but once I tasted it, I couldn't un-taste it. I also picked up on a somewhat creamy Vanilla swirling in around in there as well. For me, as soon as I didn't get much of the OG Butter Toffee, it was already sliding downward, but the Play-Doh-ish element pushed it even further. It wasn't a terrible flavor, but I don't know if I'd have thought Toffee Candy though. At 1.5% it was full, and just below mid-level sweet, and that pretty much about sums that up. I DO think I'll be getting a BIGGER bottle of the Toffee (Butter) though. Dropping this one down a bit, to a **4.5**.

**Vanilla (SC) (Nomz) 1.5% (3-17-24)** -- I have to admit to being quite interested in this one. "Vanilla ?? What KIND of Vanilla ??". Well it's a Frenchie !!! A French Vanilla variant to be exact. But it wasn't named that, so what's up ?? Well, it was tempered by something, and it took me a while to figure it out, but I DID. It tasted like a French Vanilla tempered by candy (small) marshmallows. There you go. Took you a few seconds to read it, but FAR longer for me to figure it out. Now, this was NOT a Vanilla Marshmallow, but literally a Vanilla with small type marshmallows jammed in. Overall it was an interesting flavor, and the MM worked to soften up the vanilla quite a bit, which may, or may not work for your Vanilla needs. Most times on the finish, I could even pick up on the powdered coating ON the mini marshmallows. As a mixer, or baser, I could see a lot of uses for this one, but as the primary driver in a Vanilla mix, not so sure. There was a note near the middle, and finish that reminded me of CAP's Vanillas, and whether or not that's an "off" note or not is up to the individual, and I didn't count it as one. Sweetness was somewhat high, and was a few ticks above mid level sweet, which I either attributed to, or added credence to the mini-marshmallows. No off-notes, with the exception of the aforementioned "CAP Vanilla" thing, and it was full at 1.5%. I could see a lot of uses for this, as it did double duty as a Frenchie and a Mini Marshmallow at the same time. I am going to kick it down a few, because the inclusion OF the mini MM's did somewhat detract from the pure(r) Vanilla notes, softened the flavor overall, and probably was to blame for the hightened sweeteness. Tasty, but leaving it at a **6.9/10**.

**Vanilla (Bourbon) (SC) (Nomz) 1.5% (4-6-24)** -- Bourbon Vanilla aka Madagascar Vanilla is always [the darker of the Vanillas]( Some think it's name implies Bourbon notes, but the name actually refers to where it is grown. This one did a good job of reproducing many/much of the darker vanilla notes, and it also had an underlying richness, almost creaminess to it. While typically one of the strongest vanillas this one seemed to be a little lighter, and had a very short half-life. It was pretty rich, and full, but once exhaled, it was GONE. A very interesting "gone" effect, with no lingering. While it was "on" it was dark, and rich, with some light caramel notes, and it tasted very natural with no overt "extract" or artificial notes. Sweetness was just below mid-level, and there were zero off-notes to nit-pick. About the only issue would be the disappearing act, RIGHT after the exhale. I'm thinking only minor take-offs for that, because when it was "on", it WAS on. Full, rich, with a light creaminess, plenty of darker shades of Vanilla with light caramel-y undertones, and very natural. It felt fairly placed at a **9.2/10**. Good, natural, accurate, but might need a little push from another vanilla in some cases.

**Vanilla Cupcake (SC) (Nomz) 1.5% (3-5-24)** -- Trying to explain or define a "cupcake" is quite hard, and I'm sure making one is equally hard. This one had a great vanilla overtone with SOME cupcake-y undertones. It was def. not cake-y, and much more cupcake-y. No baking soda notes, or frosting that I could pick up on, but it was still tatsty. While somewhat creamy, it was not a vanilla cream, and if the "cupcake" could have been a bit higher, I think it would have worked a little better. Sweetness was about mid-level, and no off-notes, baby powder or otherwise (long story) present. Maybe increasing it a bit might help, but I suspect as far as the cupcake, it was, where it was. Very tasty, and not off-target, and the somewhat softened vanilla was damned good, just not 100% sold on the (you guessed it), cupcake. At times, I got light almost "batter" notes, which I think helped it out a bit. No "bakery" notes, which worked, as that would have pulled it into a cake instead. Good, tasty, vanilla-y, just needed a little more cupcake-ry. Leaving this tasty one at a **7.5/10**.

**Watermelon (SC) (Nomz) 1.5% (2-24-24)** -- By POPULAR demand, well kinda, hehe, diving into the Watermelon. I knew when mixing this one up, that it would be a "different' watermelon, and that continued during the testing. The big take-away (for me at least), was it was not centered around the "red" juicy watermelon much at all. It did taste more like a mashup of the "white" part of the watermelon, along with some fairly present honeydew, and almost cantaloupe notes. In order of strength and ratios (guessing), I'd say 60% white watermelon, 30% honeydew, and 10% cantaloupe. There were some very light "red" wm notes, but the "white" and other melon notes were far more domiant. If I'd tested it without knowing the name, I probably would have thought it was a "Melon Medley". It was a mix of natural and artificial, and did have some lighter candied notes. This was interesting as it was below mid-level sweet. It was very smooth, with no reat tart-ed-ness, or sour, and no overt off-notes, but there was a just ever so slight perfrumy-ness to it. Now, it was soo minor, that I almost didn't think it necessary to mention, or take down for it, but just ever so slightly, it was there. It was so light that in a mix it would disappear. Overall, not a bad "Melon Medley", but as a stand alone Watermelon, not so much. Not terrible, and still very useful, just not a stellar stand alone. It seemed like it was in the 5.0-6.0 range for my personal rating system, so I finally settled on the higher score, and left it at a **6.0/10**.

**Whiskey (Cream) (SC) (Nomz) 1.5% (2-10-24)** -- BREAKING all of my typical rules, AND, as promised ...... skipping into the W's, from the A's. I really wanted to get into this one, and no sense making you guys wait all the way to the W's. Let's start out by calling this one DELICIOUS !!!! OK, let's put the cards on the table for you Whisky Creamers. You guys will be in TWO camps. "Mo Whiskey", or "Mo Cream", so this one MAY not be for ALL of you. No weak a$$ alcohol here people, the Whiskey was front and center, and about EVENLY paired with the cream. So RIGHT there, you CREAMHEADS, might find it TOO Whiskey-ish (is that really even a THING ??). The cream itself paired beautifully with the Whiskey. It was hard to fully flush OUT the cream(s), because the Whiskey was front and center, but it almost reminded of VSO's Barbarian Cream, or a Bavarian and Vanilla cream mix. [In keeping with true Whiskey](, the whiskey here was fairly acidic, and nicely tempered by the smooth(er) creamier creams. All in, I had a VERY hard time NOT repeatedly refilling the testers on this one.

It was very solid at 1.5%, with no need to increase it, and the sweetness was a few ticks below mid-level. I looked, and LOOKED for anything I could nit-pick on this one and came up short. About my only "like" would have been a little more of the creams, BUT, as mentioned in the beginning of this review, that was based on MY cream/whiskey ratio tastes. I literally blew through the entire bottle before I knew it. Handily a **9.5/10**.

**Yogurt (SC) (Nomz) 1.5% (5-19-24)** -- Alright, it's a fact that I fear testing Yogurts, because you never know if it will be overtly "sour" or not. Luckily this one proved that to NOT be the case. Now it DID have a little "twerk" when smelling it, but testing it, that wasn't present. It presented as a fairly accurate plain yogurt, that was slightly sweetened. Semi creamy, semi rich, and with just enough dairy to make it convincing. It smelled a little sour, but tasted rather smooth, and almost creamy. I'm not sure why anyone (LOL) would solo a yogurt, hehe, but someone's gotta do it. Rather than a stand alone, I think this one's strength will be in the mixing, as I could see countless "smoothie" uses, even added to milkshakes, and even Key Lime Pies to "fatten" up and add richness to mixes. No off-notes (thank God), other than the slight whiff of sour when smelling. It was slightly sweetened, but not sweet, and was a blank canvas yogurt. I didn't detect any overt BA notes throughout the test. At 1.5% it was probably as full as it was going to get, and it did have some mouthfeel to it. Fear not, as this yogurt won't blow your face off. As a blank slate yogurt it was convincing, but again, it's true strength will be in the application in mixes. All in, a pretty solid blank slate yogurt, that didn't offend. It felt good at a **8.0/10**.

#1 by Outlaw, Apr 9. 2024, 23:56
No Strawberry testers?

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