00JiM2's Hot Tropic #elrmixingcomp2 

Gravatar - by JiM2, Mar 23. 2024, 08:29


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:


#elrmixingcomp2 - Flavorah 5×5

For this competition I mixed with my usual method. I have 20 Flavorah flavors in my stash. I decided I should be able to come up with something good using the Flavorah flavors I already have. I started by making a list of several flavor pairings or triples I think would work, based off reading the user notes for each flavor and examining the list from the "Most commonly used with" tab at the bottom of each ELR flavor description. I then choose additional flavor for enhancement. With this contest I found myself having to add one or two more flavors that I might not have too if not for the five flavor minimum in the rules.
I came up with twelve recipes before deciding percentages for each. I reexamine each flavors user notes and decide on MY idea of the median flavor percentage for use in a mix. For the Super Concentrate type flavors I typically chose a lower percentage than the medium recommended by the user notes. Now I enter the recipe using 30 ml total volume for test mixes, my normal premix nicotine base that is 80%vg and 20%pg with 8mg/ml of nicotine. I first enter MY median I came up with for each flavor in the recipe. I then start tweaking the initial values up for primary or base flavors, and down for accent/texture flavors. That process brings me a new recipe that I mix for testing.
I mix by weight to the hundredth (0.01) of a gram as I add flavor. For super concentrates used in small quantities I made a separate bottle of diluted flavor for that flavor. I dilute a fixed quantity of a single favor by one part flavor and three parts of the same premixed base I use. The new dilution allows mixing with a better precision. For example, If my recipe called for 0.04g , I add 0.16g of my 1/4 strength dilution. I still end up with 0.04g of flavor but it's easier and more accurate to mix a super concentrate using a diluted flavor/base solution. I use my judgement to decide the ratio of my dilution. I may use 1/8 instead. For the example I presented of a recipe calling for 0.04g of one flavor,I multiple the weight 0.04g × 8 for a 1/8 dilution, adding 0.32g of the 1/8 diluted flavor.
Now I top my mixture wth base and label the bottle. I text right away and each day to note how the recipe steeps. I tweak version oone based on my observation from testing and usually make a version two or three before calling done. I will abandon a recipe that I deem a bad idea or just unsalvageable with tweaking. I ended up with three acceptable recipes and choose the one I felt might be enjoyed by the population at large but not necessarily my top choice.
I think I could have done better if I had more of my time to devote , but I managed to create three new recipes and learn more about the Flavorah flavors currently in my stash. I hope someone else enjoys my recipe, "00JiM2's Hot Tropic".

#1 by SessionDrummer, May 10. 2024, 01:33
Wow, I have to mix this one up. The Lime/Mango/SB I get, but M&H, and PB are mind blowing. I can't even PRE-dict how it would taste, so only ONE way to solve THAT issue.

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