It's My Birthday And I'll Vape If I Want To #AAFL 

Gravatar - by LadyLiberty, Apr 30, 04:26

Strength: mg
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#1 by WLedet, Apr 30, 15:50
Happy Birthday, hope you have a great day! Looks like another yummy recipe.
#2 by Steven Lane, May 1, 00:35
Look what day it is! This recipe looks really good.
#3 by Steven Lane, May 1, 00:36
Oh yeah, Happy Born on date. oops.
#4 by LadyLiberty, May 12, 00:57
Turned out pretty good I am going to edit this to add NY Cheesecake pur, and french vanilla thick WF to add a bit some funk and a little thickness.

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