Chocolate Raspberry Thumbprint Cookies (MF Version) 

Gravatar - by Steve O, Jun 15, 20:56

Suggested steep time: 10 days

Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

This recipe was adapted from:

Originally I made this for Lady Liberty's Birthday mix, using Nomz Dark Chocolate even though I didn't have it.. I did order the Nomz Dark Chocolate, but I still don't have it yet so I've gotten impatient plus we're doing another AAFL Cookie episode. I DO have MF Dark Chocolate however, so I've swapped for that, as well as lowered the Raspberry Gummy Candy to also add MF Wild Raspberry because I just can't help myself. If I'm going to include one MF, I may as well include the other, since this one is pretty much for myself. I lowered the Purilum super sweet to my personal preference. Next time around I may try Capella since it's usually what I go with to help that jammy filling pop... this definitely needs to steep to allow the MF flavors to grow

Adapted from this recipe


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