My First S'mores #AAFL 

Gravatar - by Steve O, Jun 26, 01:15


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Suggested steep time: 14 days

Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

So this was made for the AAFL Episode, Flavors and Recipes beginning with "M". What better time than then to play with several Marshmallows, and make an attempt at my first S'mores recipe? Its something that I notice is a White Whale for a lot of mixers. There are just so many Marshmallows, Graham Crackers and Chocolates for endless combinations and approaches for building and layering. Question is, which work and which don't? This ultimately spawned an episode idea for a Campfire recipes theme, to where i would allow this to steep and report back...

**Tested on Elder Dragon, 3×28/36 3mm Alien 5 Wrap .31 ohms
Between 50 - 58 watts

Well its been 18 days and I have to say I am definitely happy with this for a first attempt. It's not a perfectly layered S'mores, but it damn sure is tasty and has several positives. The Marshmallows and Meringue i believe are the main stars here. My thought process was to utilize these Marshmallows for each of their individual unique characteristics to combine into one, which I feel I mostly accomplished here. OOO being the main Fluffy base. Added creaminess to smooth out the overall profile from the SSA as well as an extra vanilla note. Then that melty "Gooey" textured mouthfeel from the WF. The Meringue combines to help bring a toasty top note that pulls the Marshmallow base forward.

While the separation of layers is by no means flawless, as there is some bleeding over. Its not fully just one overall mushed up flavor profile. The Cinnamony spices from the Cap Graham Cracker shine through the Marshmallow base sitting somewhere in the middle of the vape experience. Combined with the honey i get from FW GC theres some added sweetness there. There's not really much of a bakery "crunch" to this layer liked I'd hoped for. But I'd say I get the overall kinda vibe as say like a Golden Graham S'mores cereal thats started to soften up. While still getting some of that creaminess and Marshmallow flavor

Lastly, the Chocolate... Definitely not as chocolaty as I'd want it. The chocolate sits at the very back end. I get a very subtlety velvety milky chocolate that does coat my tongue and lingers for a bit after the rest of the flavors start to fade off. I'd say this could possibly be boosted just by simply pushing the MF Dark Chocolate higher. I would begin at .75% then maybe even try at a full 1%. But wouldn't go any higher.

Like I had said. It's not a perfect S'mores, but it's definitely delicious. If this was a bottle I bought at a shop, I'd be happy with my purchase honestly.. as a DIY experience this makes me excited to continue experimenting with this profile because I feel this is a fantastic start. Main areas of improvement would be texture from the Graham which could help with separation, and a bit more chocolate. If you try this, I would absolutely appreciate your feedback and I seriously thank you if you actually read this far!

#1 by STR8V8PING , Jun 30, 05:06
I wanted to mix this up but don't have the mf. What would you suggest as a sub?
#2 by Ken O'Where, Jun 30, 07:01
Dayum, this looks really good. Im gonna have to sub out the Meringue for FA but ive got everything else.

Dark Choco will be on its way Monday, Str8V, so you will be able to mix it as is. Warning tho, its gonna be a coil killer, lol.
#3 by Steve O, Jul 1, 10:45
Thanks guys! I am patiently waiting to try this myself. I agreed to update on two weeks from the date of published live on AAFL as Tim wanted to do a campfire treats episode. I am hopeful though and seeing as this is my first attempt at building out a S'mores like this, all of your feedback will be extremely appreciated. To be honest Str8v8ping, I can't really think of anything that would be a legitimate sub for MF Dark Chocolate.

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