Inspired by NorCal Vapin's All Day Vapin recipe on ATF. I mixed it up when he first posted it with a few of my additions, just cracked the bottle that's been sitting over a month and its amazing.
This is a must that's the combination of Shisha Vanilla + tobaccos bringing it any closer to Nasty Silver ? The right Turkish % might be the trigger, I did play with it. That Vanilla pudding smells so goooood but mixed it doesn't produce what I'd expect. I will go mix it.
@jbitts Tell me your opinion:
1. I am thinking to maybe change the custard for Capella's Vanilla custard
2. would it be smoother if I apply the Marshmallow instead of SS ?
3. VBIC instead of the Pudding or maybe leaving 1% of the Pudding, adfing 2% of VBIC on top ?
What think ya ?