Update - latest alternative simpler mix and much smoother and better than the original The Kings Custard brand and full inspired after they stopped making it anymore.
For the final mix I ran out of TPA VC and put mostly cap VC in and it was a lot nicer and only needed a week to start steeping nicely
Brilliant CLONE and it's pretty close side by side if not better and smoother imo.
I used Cinnamon roll by UK Flavour for the upper cinnamon note as it's a lot nicer than tfa cinnamon danish and cap cinnamon swirl on its own however added a small amount of cap CDs to help carry the cinnamon roll by UK Flavour.
I added 0.7 cap Graham cracker to help carry the biscuit and it has a slight sweet cinnamon sugar note that blends in with the mix.
I prefer tfa sweetener for this mix as supper sweet almost makes it more artificial as it's a very sweet recipe as is so this just helps round off all the sweetness.
Felt like it needed a slight more body of custard cream so added custard premium topped with a bit of Bavarian cream to add just that slight sweet deep cream not to help pull the custard to the cinnamon.
I think I may prefer this recipe to the original but I am going to say that ain't I haha.
Hope you all enjoyed it as much as me and it took a lot of effort to get this to where I'm happy with it.
About 21 days steep but the more you leave it the more the custard comes out and the cinnamon loses its touch. Steep with the cap off for half it's steeping time.
--- Another update, I got my hands on some Cinnamon sugar cookie and it was really smooth and overall my favourite cinnamon so i included it to the newer mix and it rounds the overall spice of the cinnamon down so it fits in better with the creamy note i want from this blend.