Sonic Cherry Limeade 

Gravatar - by Don, Sep 13. 2014, 17:16


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

Almost gave up on this one, I tried everything! If you vape this after making it, be warned: It is terrible! Forgot about it a while and saw it laying around 3 weeks later and it was "Spot On" of Sonic's Cherry Limeade. Must steep this flavor!!!

#1 by juice junkie, Jun 23. 2015, 15:32
This was really good! Thanks :)
#2 by TheDIYVaper, Feb 4. 2016, 16:14
Just mixed up a 140ml batch. going to take the advice and let it sit at least 2 weeks before vaping on it. The smell is spot on, taste test was horrible. Will report back in a couple weeks!
#3 by coolpowers, Feb 21. 2016, 03:04
So it's been two weeks, how is it? :) I just made up a batch, and yes, it's.. not good as a shake and vape. I think it's the Maraschino Cherry - I just made up another recipe with it and right after mixing it vapes like a perfume shop. I'm really chasing the taste of this cherry limeade water flavorer I buy - almost tempted to squirt some into some base and vape it ;)
#4 by TheDIYVaper, Feb 21. 2016, 14:39
Well I did put it in one of my tanks last night. It has come along a good ways. I'm gonna let it sito with the cap open today for a couple hours and give it a warm bath. I will report back later today. But I see it will be a good juice. Maybe because of the size of the batch it will need some more time.

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