Coconut Symphony 

Gravatar - by MarkS, May 13. 2013, 00:09


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

Add DNB first and let mix rest for 24 hours before adding other flavours.

#1 by Uncle Kracker, May 13. 2013, 02:20
What is "DNB WG" please?
#2 by MarkS, May 16. 2013, 10:19
DNB is an additive for tobacco flavours from Wera Garden.
It gives more of an authentic throat hit and ashy taste to them.
#3 by canevar, Dec 26. 2015, 00:01
why do you add DNB first and wait for others? Last time I mixed DNB and symphony there was this strange burnt taste instead of ash. Could this be related?
#4 by MarkS, Dec 29. 2015, 10:25
When I first started mixing a more experienced mixer than myself told me to add the DNB first and leave it for at least 24 hours before adding any other flavourings. I honestly cannot remember why. Although I still have DNB in my flavourings collection I can't remember the last time I used it. Sorry I can't be of more help.
#5 by canevar, Dec 29. 2015, 10:27
thanks for the reply

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