TOC'S Bakers Dozen 

Gravatar - by TOC MichelleHughes, Apr 9. 2016, 09:31


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

This has to steep at least three days. You can sub out this vanilla with any of the FA's I prefer this one though.

#1 by TOC MichelleHughes, Apr 7. 2016, 00:56
Steeping 4/6/2016
#2 by Vapor_Douche, Apr 10. 2016, 23:52
how is it so far? saw that you just made this and was curious. i'm going to give it a try :)
#3 by TOC MichelleHughes, Apr 11. 2016, 13:14
It definitely needs three days steep at a minimum but then it's great. Tastes like a good cake doughnut.
#4 by mikedidthis, Apr 23. 2016, 19:57
Absolutely love this. For me, it tastes like a cross between a glazed doughnut and iced finger.
#5 by TOC MichelleHughes, Apr 24. 2016, 16:29
glad you enjoyed it Mike :)
#6 by Gary, May 16. 2016, 22:35
This is Lovely Michelle, Thanks for sharing :)
#7 by TOC MichelleHughes, May 17. 2016, 03:13
thank you so very much Gary :)
#8 by troms321, May 31. 2016, 04:10
Very good. Havent been a fan of many "premium" donut vapes but this is delicious after about a 2 week steep. Five stars for sure.
#9 by TOC MichelleHughes, May 31. 2016, 05:56
Thanks so much Troms :)
#10 by pmvART, Nov 8. 2016, 22:27
I had to sub the vanilla...but this is really good...thanks for the inspiration!
#11 by TOC MichelleHughes, Sep 4. 2017, 07:00
Sorry I just saw this... thank you PMV
#12 by Stormy, Nov 26. 2017, 18:02
I have a bottle of Nonnas Cake thats been used once. I was really put off by it. I think I will give it another go. It deemed to be a very bold flavor, from what I can remember.
FA's take on bourbon vanilla is still number one IMHO. Cheers😀💨💨💨💨💨
#13 by TOC MichelleHughes, Dec 5. 2017, 17:13
I love all three of Fa's Vanilla :) and Nonna's cake I use it in tons of recipes :)

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