Apple with Pork chops recipe 

Gravatar - by yummyfoodrecipesindia, May 24. 2016, 12:54


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

step1. Set the medium dish in the Oven to warm, heat Oven to 175 degrees F (80 degrees C).
Step2. Add the Oil to the Chops and place it on the hot pan until it's served, before heat a frying pan on medium fire. Now, place it in the warm dish and warm it preheated oven.
Step3. Mix the pepper, salt, cinnamon, brown sugar and nutmeg in the bowl. Now, add the butter to the skillet and mix in brown sugar and apple mix. Place the apples on top of the chops and heat it in the oven.
Step4. Cooking process should be carried on. Add the sauce to chops and apples

#1 by Surtur, May 24. 2016, 14:40
Got this in my Atlantis 2. Had to sub brown sugar for a bit of fa jamaican rum (avoiding daap) but it tastes great. Sweet, meaty with a pleasant spiciness. Comes with a unique chunky mouth feel. Must say had a few issues with wicking.
#2 by Ggrhauling, May 24. 2016, 20:04
One of my favorite ADV.
Thanks for the recipe, still wishing you'd post more.
@Surtur to fix the wicking problem I just took coils out of Atlantis, used small torch on bottom of tank (no mod needed) and Vape Vape Vape baby!! However tank does get hot while holding so still tweaking my method.
BTW didn't have nutmeg so added mint leaf for the hell of it and DAMN DID IT SET THE PORK OFF!!!! Gotte try this next time with menthol.
#3 by Ggrhauling, May 24. 2016, 20:06
#4 by Alisa, May 24. 2016, 20:17
Goin' to all that trouble for a serious mix and use UNSALTED BUTTER???? ARE YOU NUTS? Come on!
#5 by Kinnikinnick, May 24. 2016, 20:49
The addition of a little INW DNB or some FA Black Fire will lend that "smoked chops" quality which I will enjoy. I can't see this being an ADV for me, but, when I don't have time for a sit down meal, this will tide me over.
#6 by A.B. Dada, May 24. 2016, 23:40
Does anyone have a kosher or halal version of this recipe?
#7 by Surtur, May 25. 2016, 00:04
@A.B. Dada you could try subbing pork chops for FA Tofu
#8 by BoyHowdy, May 25. 2016, 11:47
I don't always vape pork but when I do..... IT'S BACON!!!
#9 by Dan the Man, May 25. 2016, 14:44
I am whipping this up right this very second. No steep you say? Great, I have been looking for a decent ADV and I believe I have found it. Thanks.
#10 by LordVapor, May 25. 2016, 19:21
Come on guys. 3/4" Pork Chops is not "Thick". 1-1/2"... now that's a thick chop! I give this a 4 star.
#11 by JoJo, May 26. 2016, 17:27
I know that it's kinda the 'main' part of this, but do you think I could sub some spam for the pork chops? Also, not sure how I feel about the vegetable oil...may just leave it out.
#12 by Dan the Man, May 26. 2016, 17:51
Spam!? not a chance. Blasphemy I say, Blasphemy!
#13 by joee, May 28. 2016, 05:48
well if we cant win against government as a quit smoking then its a way to cure food cravings.just think your girls pregnant 2am and ur going to the store for pickles and icecream spend a ton of money at quickie mart and she only eats 2 spoons but the vape crave you sleep the whole night lol
#14 by johnny2419, May 29. 2016, 11:04
@JoJo if you do sub in SPAM you might want to sub in FA Pineapple for the apple and have your spam at least 1" thick. A little white cherry from Lotus could make you fill like your sitting at some posh retreat in Hawaii. ENJOY!!
#15 by Iveseenthissomewhere, Jun 6. 2016, 21:19
Is that the Cap or FA pork?
#16 by Fisherman, Jul 2. 2017, 03:57
Certified steak and vape
#17 by James Holden , Aug 27. 2020, 22:02
I had to fillet my pork chop because I couldn’t fit the bone into my RTA, it’s still a banging recipe though so thank you very much for sharing it.⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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