I adapted this from an awesome recipe from NotCharlesManson. This recipe is not intended to be an improvement on that recipe; it's just a little different and it is more along the lines of what I was after. The original recipe has awesome (even fairly natural tasting) fruit flavors, and it is definitely in the top three DIY recipes that I have ever made. I will also definitely make it again! But I wanted something a bit closer to fruity pebbles, and this is more along those lines, at least for me. I took NCM's excellent cereal base, and substituted the separate fruit flavors with Fruit Circles. I also substituted the Hazelnut with acetyl pyrazine, and switched out the marshmallow for a different kind. If anybody cares, this one has fewer "warning" chemicals in the flavorings.
Anyway, I give 99.5% of the credit to NCM for his recipe. Let me know if you like this one, and if you have any suggestions. It's great as a shake-and-vape, but it only gets better with age, as most recipes do.
Wow, I really like this recipe, a wasn't too sure on the cheese cream icing tho. But this is a very nice smoke. Top marks!! A good balance between flavours, maybe a touch too much fruit circles. Nothing that a nice steep couldn't fix.