Black Honey Bavarian Cream 

Gravatar - by Kinnikinnick, Jan 27. 2015, 04:08


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

Nice mild creamy vape. Perhaps the addition of another tobacco?


Adapted from this recipe

#1 by poodlez, Jul 7. 2016, 09:30
This is great. My favorite tobacco and one of my ADV's. Like it especially after a month natural steep. It's not too heavy or overwhelming, just slight honey notes over the light tobacco and the cream makes it so smooth. Top notch!
#2 by Kinnikinnick, Jul 7. 2016, 18:52
I can't say it's my own creation! It was adapted from another recipe. But, at that time, I had to knock down the tobacco a bit; 5% was a bit much the first go round. Hell, if I made it again, I'd probably add another tobacco or three today. ; ) This recipe was created in my early days of DIY mixing. I wasn't the tobacco hound I am today!
#3 by poodlez, Jul 9. 2016, 10:15
I kind of thought so as I've seen the recipe around a bit and it's much simpler than most your stuff. I'm in my early days of tobacco mixing so go figure, but this has been a staple for months. I think I like it because it's light and vapped easy all day. Haven't had all the ingrediants for a lot of your other recipes but the ones I do I find like a good scotch...much more sophisticated than my palette can fully comprehend but I'm learning and gaining a new appreciation.It's definitely the most interesting and enjoyable part of diy ejuice right now.

Would love to see you make an updated black honey for your tastes today!
#4 by Kinnikinnick, Jul 9. 2016, 18:16
It's funny.....I went through a early period of making simple mixes, then crazy complicated recipes for a while and now I'm back to 2 to 5 flavor simple mixes. After a while, I kinda felt like the palette can really only decipher a few flavors at a time. Thus, you'll be able to see my gradation of feelings on flavor with some of the dates on my recipes.

My feeling now, is keep it stupid simple. You'll fret a lot less with trying to balance things out. There is NO PRIZE for having a crap ton of flavors in a mix, ranging from .01g to 10g. I look at some of the recipes which are mixed by folks touted as mixing gods and think to myself, there is no way anyone's palette can pick up on .2% of any flavor with a total flavor percentage of 15% to 20% in the mix. It's just silly.
#5 by Leisuretime, Feb 25. 2018, 05:25
Some flavors require others to create palate affects and or ingredient mimicry, and that can boost % to those higher ratios- which I'm really not a fan of either, but guilty none-the-less.

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