beyond crime scene 

Gravatar - by Savvas, Jan 5. 2017, 11:05

Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

Regards to kostas44 (Thanks for your excellent recipe , Kostas !)
Don't forget the creator of any recipe that we use as a base !

Steeping 1+ month

#1 by Rodokanator, Jan 7. 2017, 12:57
Θα την τιμησω γιατι αν και ειδα ενα σωρο αρωματα ειδα οτι οι ποσοτητες ειναι πολυ ωραια υπολογισμενες και δεν ξεφευγουν!Keep up the good work!!!
#2 by Savvas, Jan 8. 2017, 10:29
Ευχαριστώ πολύ !
Είναι πράγματι φοβερή version και έχει γίνει ανάρπαστη σε όλους τους γνωστούς μου .
#3 by Geb, Mar 8. 2017, 22:50
way too many ingredients for me to try it.
#4 by Dio, Mar 26. 2017, 19:33
Φιλε Savvas ομολογω οτι με εξεπληξε ευχαριστα η συνταγη ...Ενα πολυ ωραιο γευστικο ξεκουραστο καπνικο (οχι ξερο)υγρο για ADV. Σε ευχαριστω πολυ που την ανεβασες και να φανταστεις οτι 5 χρονια τωρα δεν ατμιζω ποτε καπνικα αλλα εδω με επιασες!!!Νασαι καλα φιλε 5 STARS 2 kostas44 and 5stars 2u!

Great sweet rich yammie tobacco adv juice.
#5 by Savvas, Apr 1. 2017, 11:30
Σ' ευχαριστώ πολύ για τα καλά σου λόγια .
Πήρα την ιδέα απο το φίλο kostas44 και την εξέλιξα όπως θα την ήθελε (νομίζω) ο κάθε ατμιστής .
Συνεχίζω να την κάνω tuning , χρησιμοποιώντας πιο ποιοτικά υλικά .
#6 by DukeZaki, Apr 9. 2017, 04:16
I totally Agree .. !!
#7 by BuenosAyres, May 12. 2017, 04:42
Mee too.
#8 by FlavAFoOL, May 28. 2017, 05:43
Same here
#9 by Vad855, Jun 1. 2017, 04:56
are you crazy?
I bet you can't recognize most of these dozens of flavors in this mixture. Too much of them and too low amount.
what the point of mixing of hundred flavors, bullshit.
#10 by Savvas, Jun 10. 2017, 10:05
Vad855 , depends how long time you vape .
I vape from 2010 .
I can taste everything in the e liquid .
#11 by Geb, Jun 10. 2017, 10:48
you can pick up and taste 13 different flavors in this juice. yeah right.
#12 by victorfms, Jun 16. 2017, 02:49
added some orange, rum, gunpowder and i can taste 100 flavors at once
#13 by Savvas, Jun 22. 2017, 02:15
Geb , i want the notes . Not the flavors .
#14 by Savvas, Jun 22. 2017, 02:18
Nice idea victorfms !
Give me your address and i ll send you 30 ml for your feedback .
#15 by andrebrito, Jun 24. 2017, 17:58
Hello friend could indicate an essence to replace, Vanilla Classic (INAWERA)
I can not find inawera flavors in my country, I can find TFA, FW, Capella, Flavor and Flavor Art
#16 by andrebrito, Jun 30. 2017, 01:47
Replace Vanilla Classic INAWERA by what essence in its fabulous recipe beyond crime scene

#17 by Savvas, Jul 7. 2017, 10:52
andrebrito , sorry for the delay . Try vanilla tahity (TPA) at the same percentage .
#18 by Vasilis, Aug 16. 2017, 18:41
A tasteful and very balanced ADV e-liquid! Perfect!
Σάββα το ανέβασες σε άλλο επίπεδο το ηδη υπέροχο "crime scene" του φίλου kostas44. Συγχαρητήρια και σους δυο. Κάνετε την Ελληνική diy κοινότητα περίφανη με τις συνταγές σας.
#19 by Bill Karras, Sep 22. 2017, 17:59
#20 by Stavanger Ghost, Oct 15. 2017, 14:23
This sounds like a juice i get from my store actually.... "Demon Vape - Fontana 4706", do you know if they are similar ?
#21 by chico, Jul 21. 2018, 15:57
Some of the best e juices out there use many flavours....Look at nectar d'or-probably 1 of the best ejuices on the market uses over 20 flavours.
#22 by Geb, Jul 21. 2018, 16:25
@Chico - maybe. but the VAST majority of commercial juices are simple mixes (if for no other reason than it's cheaper to mix a 3 flavor juice than a 20 flavor mix). I have yet to see a juice that NEEDS 20 flavours to be good. sure you can put 20 flavors in a bottle but I'd bet the farm a really good mixer could do that profile with less than 10.
#23 by papapit, Jun 4. 2019, 16:21
μπορω να βαλω vanilla tahity (Flavour Art) αντι για Vanilla Classic (INAWERA)?
και σε τι ποσοστο? ευχαριστω!
#24 by Mix and Hope, Dec 30. 2019, 10:03
This guy has to be a Democrat, razzle dazzle you, than it all turns to mud in the end..

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