Adapted from: Ckemist Original: Cin-A-Win Roll
Steep 1-2 weeks for full effect.
My Notes:
Made 15ml on 10-28-16
S&V: within an hour good. I believe this will be good after some steeping. It might need some extra sweetening.
2 Day Steep: Really good, at this point maybe some sweetener.
4 Day Steep: Flavors are well blended and sweetness is just about there. A very creamy cinnamon pastry with icing. An ADV for me!
8 Days In: Really!!! Can it get much better than this?? LOVE THIS! Making a big bottle tonight!
Almost 3 months Steep: Descent vape..not my favorite now...have made better since making this.
I just made a tester of this, but omitted Cinnamon Custard, bc seemed like too much cinnamon overall FOR ME. replaced it with Vanilla Custard Cheesecake(OoO). Will test at 2-week steep and I'm sure it will need 3-5 weeks in the end. Thanks for a great starting point bc me as well, have had LA- Cinn Roll, but never ever use it. Forgot about it basically
@ Ryno should turn out all together different recipe. Let me know how it turns out. I love LA Cin Roll. Throw me a rating on those recipes when you get a chance! Thanks!