Red, White, and Blueberry (TC) 

Gravatar - by JoJo, Jun 20. 2015, 01:32


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

Made 6/5.
6/18 - I am liking this in my magma. Nice bit of kick. The orange really stands out in this one. Still a little bit of a chewable vitamin, I'm guessing from the orange.
6/25 - I added a couple drops of MTS Vape Wizard because the orange was making me cough. This seems to have helped.

Adapted from this recipe

#1 by Whiterose0818, Dec 11. 2015, 01:39
I don't have CAP juicy orange, could I sub FLV orange citrus or TPA mandarin orange?
#2 by JoJo, Dec 11. 2015, 01:41
Yup. I don't like the Cap juicy orange anyway. I prefer the FLV orange citrus in the original one, too. Never tried Mandarin Orange TPA. Give it a whirl and let me know how it goes. :)
#3 by Whiterose0818, Dec 11. 2015, 02:24
OK, ill whip up a batch with TPA mandarin orange...I'm also gonna toss in a bit of smooth as well...say, a quarter percent...sound about right?
#4 by Whiterose0818, Dec 11. 2015, 02:48
Well, shit...I just realized, I'm outta TPA blueberry...I do have FLV blueberry, INW blueberry, TPA wild blueberry and MF blueberry...
Can i sub one o‘dem?
#5 by JoJo, Dec 11. 2015, 03:51
Sub away, my friend! I always do. ;) Honestly, I haven't made this since the first time so I have no idea what it tasted like. LOL. I imagine any of those blueberries (except maybe Flavorah) would be just great.
#6 by Whiterose0818, Dec 11. 2015, 13:21
wow...why not FLV? i woulda guessed not INW, cuz its so spicy...
#7 by JoJo, Dec 11. 2015, 14:07
I don't have Inawera Blueberry and I have Flavorah but haven't used it much. It's said to be kinda candy-ish. I dunno...might work. I may try it next go round. I need a new favorite blueberry anyway.
#8 by Whiterose0818, Dec 11. 2015, 14:25
INW blueberry is amazing! a little bit spicy, but thats ok...its also very potent!
i havent used FLV blueberry very much at all...its known as candy-like? really? thats a good thing to me, as i LOVE LOVE TPA blueberry candy
! its actually my mostest favoritistest blueberry of all!
#9 by Whiterose0818, Dec 11. 2015, 14:26
i'll be making a test bottle of FLV blueberry when i get home today! bet!
#10 by JoJo, Dec 11. 2015, 14:29
Yay! Link me if you do or PM me on the forum and let me know how it goes! I may just revisit this one with new flavors now that you've got me on it. :D

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