Looper ANML 80% 

Gravatar - by John-King-200985, Jan 25. 2016, 21:56


Nicotine juice ()

PG dilutant

VG dilutant


Total base


Strength: mg
Flavor total: ()
Drops per ml:

Takes around 2-3 weeks to steep, a very close recipe in my opinion. It has more of that pop-Cornish/slight cardboard smell Looper has most clones are missing, but I cannot find that missing sweet caramel aroma. Still very nice regardless. Any input greatly appreciated!!

20/80 VG is very important to this recipe as I find more PG can leave it with more of a perfume taste and smell, even after longer steep times.

If you are more susceptible to perfume tastes, you could try your own steeping method. I eventually put my juice in crock pot for 4 hours and came out excellent after 2 weeks.

#1 by Dio, Jan 25. 2016, 22:15
Just made your recipe....Smell awsome!!!Now i must wait 4 two weeks...
Thanks dude!
#2 by John-King-200985, Jan 26. 2016, 00:14
Good luck Dio! Hope you like it.
#3 by PrettyClouds, Jan 26. 2016, 01:50
Aaarrgh, I'm missing the dairy milk... Anything I can try to sub with while waiting for my order to arrive ? and thanks for sharing john !
#4 by Melodycd, Jan 26. 2016, 05:29
I don't have Cream Fresh... Thats sad... What if to add 0.5% of Milk and 0.5% of Sweet Cream, will it work?
#5 by John-King-200985, Jan 26. 2016, 07:10
Sorry guys, both the dairy milk and cream fresh I find are vital to the milky fruity exhale. You could try subbing tho, ive tried many combinations and nothing works quite like this recipe.
#6 by Melodycd, Jan 26. 2016, 07:31
Oh, also Meringue (( Is it critical? I am ordering Cream Fresh anyway, it is very useful. But not sure about meringue.
#7 by John-King-200985, Jan 26. 2016, 11:11
Pretty much all the ingredients a vital, the meringue gives it that soft sweet texture. It's entirely up to you. Most other clones don't use it.
#8 by John-King-200985, Jan 26. 2016, 11:19
But I do think the meringue and the acetyl are the missing 2 of possibly 3 ingredients to looper.
#9 by PrettyClouds, Jan 26. 2016, 12:21
I'll just wait for the milk before I mix this, thanks again John.
#10 by John-King-200985, Jan 26. 2016, 13:08
No problem, What I do sometimes if I know an ingredient is coming the next day or 2 is mix the juice up anyway and add it when it comes.
#11 by TenGHz, Feb 1. 2016, 04:21
I saw your post on Cheesebanana's looper-esque cereal recipe. I'm going to try yours next. CB's version tasted too lemony pledgy for me. Didn't like it. Why do all the super good flavors have to be a PITA to figure out? haha. I will post back what my results are - gotta order up a couple ingredients you have listed. I'll report back in a few weeks, good or bad. Thanks for the recipe regardless...someone will nail it eventually, unless they're using some kind of witchcraft in their recipe.
#12 by PrettyClouds, Feb 3. 2016, 01:12
The milk has landed... Gonna mix this tonight ... I will let you know how it goes, but I am pretty sure it is going to be a win :-)
#13 by John-King-200985, Feb 6. 2016, 04:38
Let me know how you get on guys!! And good luck.
#14 by damien4480, Feb 11. 2016, 14:11
just made this, smalls stunning...going to try it in a week to see what is what. many thanks dude
#15 by John-King-200985, Feb 12. 2016, 06:27
No problem. Slight update guys, I opened a bottle I've been shaking daily for 14 days and it still has a slight perfume hit.... so I put open in a crockpot bath for 4 hours, replaced lid and shook for a bit. Tried it today and what an improvement.
#16 by Dio, Feb 12. 2016, 08:58
I didn't try the juice yet but I place it in a crock pot as you say.
Man.... The room smell awesome... Lol....
#17 by John-King-200985, Feb 12. 2016, 12:47
I'm quite suceptable to purfumey tastes when others can't taste any to be honest, also I always taste pepper in custard mixes, maybe a good idea to crock pot or steep a bit longer according to your own taste.
#18 by Dio, Feb 12. 2016, 23:29
Finally I just try the juice and i have to say that this is a perfect recipe!!!
So smooth and deli....Thanks alot @John 4sharing!
#19 by John-King-200985, Feb 14. 2016, 00:17
Thank you very much!! Very happy you like the recipe. I am currently working on a more accurate clone of Looper and have completely gone back to the drawing board to hopefully crack it. This clone is nice tho, its just not quite there.
#20 by PrettyClouds, Feb 17. 2016, 01:54
just opened the bottle after two weeks of steeping, Beautiful after a little breathing. thanks again John. I will follow your experimental version. I do agree something is still to be found there but I have confidence it will happen soon. In the meantime just stick to this recipe ! and once it's done, we still have anml fury to figure out. Anyone got the chance to try it out ?
#21 by damien4480, Feb 17. 2016, 19:11
I have never tried looper but this is really good none the less, top notch fruit loops vape
#22 by John-King-200985, Feb 17. 2016, 21:05
Thanks guys, really appreciate your good feedback. I have a bottle of Fury on its way, ill let you know what is like, if its good ill defo try and clone it. I also have made a pretty good clone of carnage. Im yet to put it up.
#23 by John-King-200985, Feb 19. 2016, 16:02
Bottle of fury just arrived and wow! Very nice juice. It's thick and quite clear. A very unique taste, sort of dark carimel, coffee, vanilla, coconut type taste. Very honey nut loops like. Don't really get any creams or milk. I can't quite place the inhale tho, but very nice indeed. Filippo Has defiantly done it again!
#24 by Stormtrooper, Feb 21. 2016, 17:36
A little perfume after the 2 weeks. I let sit open overnight and we have a winner! Very similar to looper, loving this juice. Hopefully the experimental version is good. Thumbs up!
#25 by damien4480, Feb 22. 2016, 22:42
I noticed you have changed this recipe. Lowered the fruit circles and upped the aceryl p by .5

Is this recipe better than the last one mate?
#26 by John-King-200985, Feb 23. 2016, 00:03
Aye, a believe so. I found before that the recipe was a little too perfumy. After some breathing juice turns out good anyways. Defiantly prefer the experimental version, although that one is subject to many changes.
#27 by Steve973, Feb 28. 2016, 01:59
I just mixed this one up minutes ago, and it's pretty great right off the bat. I have not had Looper, but since I have heard that it is great, and since I like cereal-milk style vape juices, I wanted to give this a try. If this even improves with steeping, it is great. Luckily, for me, I don't know the difference so it's a five star juice in my book. I have had Rainbow Nuggets, and this is kind of like it, which is a good thing.
#28 by Steve973, Feb 28. 2016, 02:28
Have you tried crème brulee from FF, OOO, or Inawera for the caramel component, if any of the caramel flavorings don't quite work?
#29 by Steve973, Mar 14. 2016, 21:35
@John-King-200985, did you delete your experimental recipe?
#30 by Mmh1972 , Apr 6. 2016, 07:50
I can't fathom why you would want to give this a croc pot bath with the lid off...doesn't that technique really take away much flavor? I made this a few days ago and will wait a month
#31 by Armen, Apr 10. 2016, 01:46
is cream fresh as same as fresh cream
#32 by Mmh1972 , Apr 10. 2016, 17:02
@armen yes its the same just worded differently
#33 by Armen, Apr 11. 2016, 05:04
#34 by Mmh1972 , Apr 20. 2016, 07:45
17 days old and it's killing me that I can't try it for a few more days. I'm gonna give it a full 3 weeks steep. it definitely smells different from joeninja808's looper recipe
#35 by Mmh1972 , Apr 20. 2016, 19:36
ok I couldn't hold out and had to try it...this is way way different from the other looper clone I mix. I really don't know what to think of it and can't really figure out the flavor profile its so different. I'm wondering if the AP is what's making the taste off
#36 by Mmh1972 , Apr 21. 2016, 07:56
well after giving this new coil time to break in its pretty damn good. I think the fruit circles could be raised abit and AP lowered a hair but still it's really smooth
#37 by squared, Apr 28. 2016, 10:38
@Mmh1972 just mixed this up can't wait, meanwhile I'm interested what is the "the other looper clone" you mix? always on the lookout for good ones
#38 by binaodovapor, May 27. 2016, 23:33
just mixed it. Dude, that smells spot on, cant wait to try it
#39 by Mmh1972 , Jun 9. 2016, 10:58
hands down my favorite recipe on ELR...I love this
#40 by Framer27, Jun 27. 2016, 06:08
I made this for a friend of mine who has purchased easily 50 bottles of Looper, and he has already asked me for a second 120 ml bottle. Keep in mind he just got his FIRST 120 ml bottle yesterday! You have absolutely nailed this juice. I love it, he loves it, everyone loves it! You rock John! Thanks!
#41 by John-King-200985, Jul 1. 2016, 22:06
Very high praise indeed, thank you. Im glad many like this recipe. I myself make and sell many bottles of ejuice and this one is in the top 5. Happy vaping!! Still working on the experimental recipe, but clones take soo long to perfect.
#42 by AnasBananas, Jul 4. 2016, 15:55
Hey john i realy like your recipe, but to make i need dairy milk,and all i got is malted milk, can you help me out here
#43 by CCMPARAS, Jul 11. 2016, 14:44
Very nice clone. close to looper but its kind of missing the sweetness of the original looper. I was gonna try adding a bit of Ethyl Maltol but not sure yet how it would taste like. Its nice regardless. Mine did not make the 3 weeks steep. Lol
#44 by k465, Jul 15. 2016, 08:32
The flavor is dead on, but the taste is not.. it isn't AS flavorful or sweet as the original, but the flavor profile is the same... argh it's maddening. It's like being teased instead of blown. Fantastic job on the recipe, I just wish I knew how to make the flavor come out more as well as the sweetness without making it taste like sugar vape.
#45 by Retroheads , Aug 27. 2016, 20:30
Spot on juice. Amazing. Best clone I've ever tried of any ejuice. Your alchemy is commendable.
#46 by Steve973, Aug 31. 2016, 01:04
John King, I'd like to get your opinion on another recipe in this category. It's a bit of a different take, and I adapted it from one of NotCharlesManson's recipes. I think it hits pretty well on some of the flavor notes of Looper, so perhaps it could give you some ideas for your own recipes. I hesitate to post the link because I'm not trying to spam my recipe, so if it bothers you, just let me know and I'll delete my post. But I'm trying to help out the DIY community, and that's the spirit with which I'm posting my link. e-liquid-recipes.com/recipe/843560/Pebbles+Too If you have a chance, please try a small batch and let me know if it helps.
#47 by Mmh1972 , Sep 2. 2016, 20:55
I'm not sure what has happened but this recipe has changed on me, it used to be my favorite and now after taking a month break from it and putting in a fresh coil I'm getting a popcorn taste and smell...very disappointed since this was my favorite...maybe I should try a different bottle with the same recipe...tastes like it's been contaminated
#48 by Gixty, Sep 30. 2016, 07:03
If I have marshmallow from FlavourArt, how much can I use?
Also, I have fruit rings FW instead of the one you are using. Can I replace it? If so, what percentage should I use?
Is it ok to use DX-Bavarian Cream at the same percentage?
#49 by godpulledout, Oct 1. 2016, 07:40
Used 100% Nicotine at 3mg. Did 50/50 VG/PG and right after making it, tastes EXTREMELY close to Looper. Just made 120ml batch and going to let it settle to see how steeping turns it out. Right now, it's delicious.
#50 by Gixty, Oct 1. 2016, 22:54
Have you tried adding caramel?
#51 by Gixty, Oct 4. 2016, 03:27
Any updates on this? Did you achieve an exact looper clone?
#52 by Danielip12, Dec 15. 2016, 00:10
Just mixed some up and tasted it, it's bland and has no fruity flavour at all. Is this normal? Does it take a long time for the flavour to develop? Or have I done something wrong?
#53 by The_Ckemist, Jan 3. 2017, 02:52
The reason it's such a hard recipe to master is he uses his own extract in this particular juice, I would not be surprised if many of his others are going to go the same way, even if he only uses one of his own flavour extracts it's enough to stop anyone cloning it exactly lol, his grand reserve is amazing but no one has a clue how to make it
#54 by The_Ckemist, Jan 3. 2017, 02:53
Dairy milk does tame fruit circles, but I just hate fruit circles myself lol
#55 by Dubbya, Jan 5. 2017, 23:24
@ John-King-200985: I added 1% {FA) Caramel and it's definitely a gorgous vape. As you say, it's gotta steep. I gave it a month and loved every ml of it. Well done.
#56 by Chris, Jan 20. 2017, 11:40
My allday for a few weeks, i just lve this stuff!
#57 by Coustic01, Feb 3. 2017, 19:01
Great recipe. Thanks and well done.
#58 by Michaeldoc69, Feb 7. 2017, 07:24
Thank you John-King-200985, it tastes exactly like Kellogg's Fruit Loops Cereal or ANML Looper. Great job!
#59 by John-King-200985, Feb 9. 2017, 23:30
Thanks everyone!! I am still working on a better version and have been for almost a year. Looper is the holy grail of ejuice for me. Some areas of this mix are lacking in key notes IMO. Will release my new recipe soon..
#60 by PrettyClouds, Feb 10. 2017, 05:50
Hey John, that is great great news there, Your ANML Looper recipe has been my ADV for almost the last year and I am still digging it.

Can't wait to see what's your new take on this already great recipe.

Thanks again for the efforts you put in so far.
#61 by danbrochill, Feb 12. 2017, 05:15
Im experimenting with fw yellow cake, some sugars, and strawberries surprisingly..fa cream fresh, yellow cake, fa caramel, tfa brown sugar,sweet and ripe strawberry, fruit rings, and lemon meringue pie...
#63 by John-King-200985, Feb 12. 2017, 19:57
The new recipe is finally up and ready to go!! Loophoria. Takes the original Looper and puts a bit of a spin on it. Love this stuff, feedback appreciated!!
#64 by Carty, Mar 8. 2017, 22:54
I don't have fruit circles. Anything I can do a part from buying fruit circles?
#65 by Dubbya, Mar 9. 2017, 03:03
@Carty: Lemon Sicily might get you part way toward fruit circles but it won't be the same.
#66 by igottasrt8, Mar 16. 2017, 17:31
How do you think this would taste if I replaced AP with Cereal 27?
#67 by kucherenkoZZZ, Apr 5. 2017, 00:53
So much thanks for this recipe, its really awesome and its 90% similar to new Ruthless juice "BLVK - Uniloop".
Don't waste your time, try it now!
#68 by Seba arg, May 13. 2017, 15:40
Hi! this recipe looks amazing, i have only one question, the acetyl pirazine, must be at the recipe from the beggining or just add at the end? thanks!
#69 by Jazzy_girl, May 22. 2017, 04:19
I used the cap sweet cream and the fw meringue. Excellent recipe. This is def one my favorite cereal vapes now! Thanks for sharing
#70 by nonivsop, May 23. 2017, 15:37
@igottasrt8 yes i like to see how that would come up? please advise
#71 by Leemichael, May 26. 2017, 11:36
I've been making my own liquids for a couple of years and this is by far the best clone I've ever made. Every ratio is spot on. Thanks for sharing it
#72 by Justjasontm, Jul 4. 2017, 23:25
I've never had Looper but wanted a good fruit loop type vape. This wad in my "what can I make" section so I whipped it up. Even as a shake n vape this is spot on cereal and milk. I can't wait to see how this is after a couple weeks! Also just saw you have a newer version, will have to grab a couple more ingredients and try that one as well.
#73 by JOSUE LOPEZ, Jul 21. 2017, 03:51
best fruit loops I have mixed
#74 by purgeist, Jul 25. 2017, 23:06
Fruit loops is just not my piece od cake. But this is alright, just not an ADV for me.
#75 by zavvas, Jul 27. 2017, 01:16
never try ANML Looper, only ANML Unleashed beast and Reaver which is my favorite eliquid. And today i try to make this, after shake and vape it's like 100% MAX POWELL from FRISCO VAPOR
#76 by Beckham, Jul 31. 2017, 04:30
How about subbing TPA-Dairy Milk for OOO- Cream (milky undertone). Does anyone think this would work?
#77 by Ryanmcg1, Aug 5. 2017, 20:09
Add 1% FW Hazelnut and .5% FA Almond and this is amazing!!!
I also like subbing the TFA Sweet Cream with Cap Sweet Cream instead, it makes it more creamy.
#78 by John-King-200985, Aug 14. 2017, 00:27
That's everyone for taking the time and effort to make, edit and comment your opinions on this recipe! This recipe was a true labour of love! Took many months of trial and error!! Haha
#79 by Stavanger Ghost, Aug 18. 2017, 23:57
That sweet caramel note you are missing... Could it be a "TFA Dulce De Leche" note ? Or some other Dulce de leche aroma for that matter... i dont know, just a tip. Could maybe be it ? I just know some vendors are happy to use dulce de leche you see
#80 by dekrev, Aug 22. 2017, 22:07
I'm diggin this mix - for sure. I just mixed up a 30ml test batch yesterday and I can't set it down. It won't make it 2-3 weeks. I saw your new recipe - that's next but I'm still going to mix up a 60ml and give it a good steep. Great job on this one!
#81 by Romeu BR, Aug 27. 2017, 22:51
Nothing that 0.7% of AAA Magic Mask does not solve :)
#82 by The_kori, Sep 7. 2017, 11:53
very good, very similar with the original. duration is definetely 3 weeks.
#83 by VapeSociety , Oct 2. 2017, 23:55
WOW! Slow clap!
Followed the recipe, 1 week of steep time in and it tastes delish!
Unsure it the bottle will make it to 3weeks steep time before i vape it all. Super yummy!
#84 by rightbrainvapor, Oct 7. 2017, 03:43
I have FA Marshmallow and TFA Marshmallow. Any chance one of those could work subbed for CAP?
#85 by The_kori, Oct 7. 2017, 09:35
I’m using TFA marshmallow. Same result no problem
#86 by 370z, Oct 15. 2017, 19:44
Just made it. Haven't tried Looper but ingredients used here are good for a cereal juice.
#87 by rightbrainvapor, Oct 17. 2017, 00:25
@The_kori Thank you, kindly.
#88 by FrenchVaper, Oct 24. 2017, 14:18
Very good, i love it
#89 by Jaxter, Nov 7. 2017, 16:45
Made this tastes nothing like looper more like a cornflake cereal not for me I'm aftaid
#90 by Ahmet, Nov 8. 2017, 22:34
One of my favorites. Lovely, milky, fruity liquid! I just enjoy vaping this one. Thank you very very much...
#91 by Adam, Nov 18. 2017, 05:40
add 0.5% almond tpa , 0.5% FW hazelnut , Fruite circles at 3.5%
will be great great great .
#92 by Stormy, Jan 22. 2018, 01:47
Fruit circles really needs to breath...(I replace it with fruit rings) its got that lemon pledge thing going on. the cereal milk part is missing hazelnut at 0.5. It really sets the cereal milk part off. Fa Breakfast Cereal adds
grain to the tpa crunch berries. They go great together. Those are my adapts.. It turned out great..ty for the recipie...cheers
#93 by B.E.E, Feb 28. 2018, 07:49
I didn't taste the original but this taste just like lemonade. No cereal, no dairy, no cream. Just may be little cheesy lemonade. Anybody could give me an opinion? Is there any problem with my TFA fruit circles or is it what it is, just sicillian like lemon flavor?

By the way this recipe far better than "Lemon Tart V4", if I want to make some lemony stuff I'd definately chose this recipe, thank you.
#94 by Dubbya, Feb 28. 2018, 14:52
@B.E.E. If you read through the comments, you'll see that you need to give the juice time to steep. If you find that after 21 days, it still tastes like sour lemonade, maybe try adding between 1% and 1.5% ObaOba. That'll definitely tame it down.
#95 by B.E.E, Feb 28. 2018, 22:39
@Dubbya thank you very much I'm waiting for steep.
#96 by Vaype, Mar 8. 2018, 09:42
Edit the NAME..... this is 100% SPOT ON! Great work I vaped a shit ton of Looper a few years back and this is exactly what I remember right off the mix.... I was conservative only mixing up 100mls.... And sub'd tpa Marshmallow... but I'm going to mix up a GALLON as soon as I get Capella Marshmallow. EXCELLENT WORK and THANK YOU! ....New Adv!
#97 by Kloque, Mar 11. 2018, 14:34
Just made this with Cotton Candy (10% EM/Ethyl Maltol) (TPA) @ .84% and Cereal 27 (cap) @ 1.5% because I didn't have berry crunch. This is AMAZING!!
#98 by Mere, May 23. 2018, 19:59
This is the best fruit cereal recipe I’ve mixed thus far. I mixed your recipe up and let it steep for more than a month and it is amazing. Not overpowering like most are to me. This is just right. Great work.
#99 by gtfxxx, Jun 14. 2018, 12:33
I love this!
#100 by Corey_smiley, Jun 16. 2018, 05:50
Never had the original but I do love cereal vapes. This is probably the best one I have ever tried even out of the b and m shops. Very tasty and very well balanced. Good job.
#101 by Keyzersöze, Jun 16. 2018, 11:39
This has been my ADV for half a year now. I never get tired of it. Good job on that recipe
#102 by RossModzelewski, Jul 7. 2018, 19:18
The flavor is good, but I'm allergic to something in this. Makes me cough/sore throat, and feel like crap.
#103 by Petrywa, Aug 26. 2018, 14:06
This amazing version of Looper
#104 by Rixta86, Sep 12. 2018, 06:47
Awesome Recipe Bro!! Good after shake but I'm gonna let it steep for 2weeks and give it another go! The best recipe I've mixed up by far as far as these fruit loops with milk goes! Creamy and Fruity! Thank You!!
#105 by JAPE, Oct 17. 2018, 19:42
This is an AWESOME recipe. just made this on the 7th of September 2018. its been sitting a little over a month and its AMAZING. I personally think its better than Looper. It is dead on Fruit Loops Cereal. Its nutty cereal flavor combined with the fruity lime is incredible. SPOT ON FRUIT LOOPS WITH MILK better than Looper.
#106 by Mmh1972 , Apr 30. 2019, 07:13
Ok i gave this recipe 5 stars years ago and rightfully so but i just bought a 60ml of Looper on a whim and im convinced that TFA Fruit Circles is not in the OG. I believe its FW Fruit Rings and the AP needs to be lowered alot...Im not even sure it in it.
#107 by federete, May 27. 2019, 00:34
Don't have the acetyl pyrazine. Can I do this without it or sub with anything (maybe FA Cookie?)
#108 by federete, May 27. 2019, 00:55
Subbed the TPA Sweet Cream with FW, the CAP Marshmallow with TPA, and the Acetyl Pirazyne with 10 drops of FA Cookie. As a shake and vape is delicious, a very milky and sweet version of froot loops, not harsh as others. Delicious. Let's see if I can wait 2-3 weeks
#109 by masochista, Aug 19. 2019, 21:05
I made this with 6mg and 50/50, tried it after one day of making it and it tastes just like fruit loops and I don't get a perfume taste. Thank you for the awesome recipe :)
#110 by John-King-200985, Sep 7. 2019, 02:26
I am very honoured that many Vapers are satisfied with my recipe!! Keep on mixing, tokin' and enjoying all the recipes created by devoted mixers! We are all in this togethor. Thankyou everyone for your input! Kind regards. John
#111 by shahoo, Oct 11. 2019, 02:03
Viel viel besser als Lunch Ladies von Flavour Boss.
It is a very good Liquid.
#112 by buff fro, Apr 26. 2020, 05:11
fantastic, gave it a warm water bath for a couple of hours and even after only a few days steep it tastes great
#113 by Matthew Netterville, Apr 26. 2020, 07:50
Wow, Amazing :) this was my first mix and it tastes just like Fruit Loops. Just did a SNV. Thank you!
#114 by grumpyoldbastard, Jun 10. 2020, 20:52
fucking amazing holy shit balls
#115 by MrBowlingAlley, Mar 22. 2021, 19:50
5 years later and still going strong! I made this to specs. Waited 3 weeks to steep. This is pretty good stuff. Thanks!
#116 by Patrovsky, Nov 29. 2021, 07:20
I've been DIYing for about a year and a half now due to access issues in the state I live in. After reading all of the above reviews/discussion, I made 500 mL of this recipe to spec like 4 days ago. Let me just say from day one oh my gosh the smell coming from the bottles is amazing. I put it in my vape cabinet to sit and steep but everyday I check the bottles just to smell them as the smell is super enticing. I will be letting them steep for the recommended 2-3 weeks; however, after steeping for 4 days I got a bit impatient and had to try it. Honestly this could be an ADV as it currently stands and will be an ADV. Although I've never had ANML Looper personally (which is kind of surprising since I was on a cereal vape kick for a long time), I've had many many fruit loops vape juices. This by far is better than any fruit loops vape juice I've had throughout my years of vaping. The initial exhale immediately takes me back to being a kid eating cereal at the table and it's followed up by creamy goodness. Thank you so much John for putting this recipe together. It is absolutely amazing and I will 100% be making huge batches of this juice into the future!
#117 by Wolf O’hearn, Jul 15. 2023, 05:28
I just testing my 3rd batch of this recipe and i don’t really like it. The best one is at 9% flavor but all i can taste is nutty flavor. I was hopping for a nice fruit loops recipe. I will looking elsewhere. :/
#118 by Joe Nardy, Nov 22. 2023, 02:40
I have tried a few cereal flavors in the past but was never crazy about any of them. A friend asked me to mix a Fruit Loops flavor for him and this one seemed to be one of the most popular. I mixed up 120 mL for him and 120mL for me (he prefers higher nicotine levels than me). I mixed at 70/30 VG/PG just because that seems to be a sweet spot for me. I must say I was surprised by how delicious this is, even as a SNV. I will definitely be adding this to my regular rotation.

Many thanks to you, good sir, for an excellent recipe!
#119 by IggyZ, Nov 17. 2024, 17:51
Good mix, but not really a "spot on" clone. It tastes much more like Crunch Berries than Fruit Loops, and as I was searching for a Fruit Circles dominant mix, I am a bit disappointed. Nevertheless, after a week this mix is tasty A F! I want to give it 4 stars due to the title, but I'll leave it at 5 because of how tasty and smooth it is. Thanks John.
#120 by RonFish, Jan 6, 15:08
I have been vaping this since 2017 in my regular rotation. Really love it, especially when I went to mesh about 5 yrs ago.

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