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Recipes: 4917
Recipe Author Time Rating
Orange Break Gravatar nrzb Sep 20. 2015, 12:53 (0)
K's Tobacco 1 Gravatar bluefox Sep 21. 2015, 09:34 (0)
Cured arabic tobacco Gravatar Chad Sep 21. 2015, 20:16 (0)
worleytown Gravatar doc024 Sep 22. 2015, 03:17 (2)
Deep orange bacco Gravatar gerberbaby Sep 22. 2015, 19:30 (0)
TEST Blueberry tobacco Gravatar Sep 23. 2015, 01:05 (0)
Tobacco Ashtray Licker Gravatar Andyk Sep 29. 2015, 11:19 (2)
pure gold Gravatar kootenayboy Sep 30. 2015, 20:43 (1)
A Smoke and A Shot (peach) Gravatar wvsanta Sep 30. 2015, 20:48 (0)
Sweet Addiction (tobacco casing) Gravatar Ol'DocPorter Oct 1. 2015, 10:51 (0)
Minty Mongrel (menthol tobacco casing) Gravatar Ol'DocPorter Oct 1. 2015, 11:03 (0)
Vanilla Tobacco Gravatar Sabz Oct 3. 2015, 07:53 (1)
black cherry tobacco Gravatar Sabz Oct 3. 2015, 07:55 (1)
Black Ice Gravatar M Parker Oct 4. 2015, 20:36 (1)
Bavarian Black Honey Cream Gravatar maxy Oct 6. 2015, 18:39 (0)
tobacco with apple hint (ShakeAnVape) Gravatar Cpt. Hindsight Oct 7. 2015, 02:08 (0)
Tobacco #1 Gravatar mbost Oct 8. 2015, 16:32 (0)
Tobacconilla mint Gravatar Caleb Holm Oct 9. 2015, 17:35 (0)
INfinity - Summer 7V/3P Gravatar INfinity - eddy Oct 10. 2015, 06:19 (0)
Treasure Island 2 {tobacco} (N*) Gravatar Neunerball Oct 11. 2015, 05:53 (0)
Diva Gravatar Leo&Justa Oct 11. 2015, 21:46 (1)
Wake & Vape Gravatar h1A4 c0wb0y Oct 12. 2015, 18:27 (0)
Orange Colada Pie Gravatar JGoss Oct 12. 2015, 23:16 (0)
tobacco ry4 Gravatar Vape n Taste Oct 13. 2015, 03:01 (1)
Dirty Lemonade v2 Gravatar toreador Oct 13. 2015, 07:40 (0)

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