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Recipes: 8698
Recipe Author Time Rating
Vananna White Gravatar MikeyBee May 9. 2014, 17:02 (1)
Heath Bar Gravatar Bryan Nielsen May 19. 2014, 21:49 (0)
Belgian Cocoa Clone 1 Gravatar Tiggerbren May 20. 2014, 21:14 (1)
Belgian Cocoa Clone 2 Gravatar Tiggerbren May 20. 2014, 21:36 (0)
Milk Choc Banana Toffee Custard Gravatar paulthetog May 22. 2014, 20:38 (0)
Arnie's Chocolate Covered Cherries Gravatar Arnie May 22. 2014, 21:19 (1)
Creamy Churro Gravatar MikeC May 24. 2014, 00:40 (5)
Banana Cream Pie (TFA) (Experimental) Gravatar Odrama May 29. 2014, 06:31 (0)
Coco Buttah Gravatar Buba Jun 1. 2014, 06:59 (0)
Toasty White Rasp Gravatar Pajack Jun 6. 2014, 17:26 (1)
Wobbly Chocolate Gravatar duck_butter Jun 9. 2014, 13:17 (4)
York Peppermint Patty Gravatar Pajack Jun 16. 2014, 03:03 (7)
Light Lightning Cannon Gravatar et3rn1ty Jun 19. 2014, 20:40 (2)
Butt uh Finger Swirl...TPA Gravatar lcurtis1160 Jun 22. 2014, 07:03 (0)
Heath Bar 0mg Gravatar Bryan Nielsen Jun 25. 2014, 23:05 (0)
Arnie's Paradise Gravatar Arnie Jul 2. 2014, 23:14 (0)
The Blackjoy Gravatar Kerosive Jul 8. 2014, 22:08 (0)
PB&J Gravatar Kerosive Jul 8. 2014, 22:08 (1)
Mimi's Frappe Gravatar Kerosive Jul 8. 2014, 22:08 (0)
Dessert Berry Gravatar Kerosive Jul 8. 2014, 22:10 (0)
Raspberry Cheesecake Gravatar Kerosive Jul 8. 2014, 22:11 (2)
S'Mores Gravatar Kerosive Jul 8. 2014, 22:11 (0)
Arnie's Neapolitan Ice Cream Gravatar Arnie Jul 18. 2014, 18:04 (1)
Gosport waffles Gravatar Bigmac78 Jul 18. 2014, 19:35 (0)
Chocolate covered strawberry Gravatar Randy Jul 19. 2014, 18:59 (2)

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