I have updated the recipe just now (the one I'm vaping right now, all the values above are updated and exactly as I used).
Dragonfruit 1% => 0.5% - too much at 1% I think.
Sweet Strawberry CAP 2.5% - added the Sweet Strawberry this time from CAP instead of just using TFA Strawb, too much makes it taste just like sugar. Maybe there is sucralose in this flavour hence the name "sweet" strawberry. Too much and I think it just tastes like sugar and not strawberry. This might be the problem from the original recipe.
TFA Strawberry 3% - for me this is a more normal candy strawberry, but unlike CAP's Sweet Strawberry it is not as sweet, so I decided to use this at 3%.
It's delicious, can't say how it compares to UM since I don't have a bottle, I also added 0.5% sweetener (sucralose) but it's probably not necessary. Although I still have vapers tongue from this recipe, since I've been vaping these flavourings for around 2 months now. But it's a little less with this version since the TFA Strawberry holds well.
I remember I ordered 3x10ml from liquidwerk.de, and by the 3rd bottle I was getting vapers tongue. So I think maybe it's a good idea to find another recipe that we like, so we can properly taste this without vapers tongue.
So far I think this is the best version I've made though. Let me know please if you have any advice!
Or maybe a good idea is to give some to a friend/family member and see how it tastes compared to unicorn milk. I believe our tongues are temporarily destroyed from vaping these ingredients too much recently lol.
ALSO, sorry, I added 20 drops of vape wizard to 120ml of this. No idea if it does anything but it seems to take 3-4 days off the steeping process if you want to shake and vape immediately.
hello, thank you for all the information. I had to laugh while reading a few times. that with our broken tongue of this recipe is probably right. :) It would be really great if we could get a usable version of the stuff. Unfortunately I had a lot to do at the moment and unfortunately I did not manage to mix anything. but will try tomorrow at the latest mix this version and you like to give feedback. think it's great that you stay tuned.